Psychee's Gorean Archives

Upcoming events at Gorean University (May 7 to 12)

So I’m a member of the Gorean University staff, even though I’m primarily responsible for Serendipity Village. If you’d like to find out more, follow this link. And Gorean University offers classes every week, and a debate every Sunday, so I thought I’d share the weekly program with you, if you’d like to come along!

MONDAY: 6.30pm (SLT) Kajira’s class open to all:

May 6: How to do erotic roleplay that will make your sandals fall off: The Coin girls. Duration: approx. 1 hr.

THURSDAY: noon (SLT) Discussions on specific topics:

May 9: Mercenaries, the concept, not just from the novels. Duration: approx. 1 hr.

SUNDAY: 18:00 (SLT) Master Black Ort’s round table:

The subject is revealed at the start of the round table. Duration: 1 hr to 1h30 approx.

All these events take place in a Roleplay Lite atmosphere, i.e.: those who stay in their Gorean role are respected, as are those who want to express themselves freely OOC. No one risks the usual Gorean roleplay threats, and the atmosphere is friendly, inclusive, caring and open.

We look forward to seeing you!


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