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The Songs of Loss website (Novels & TTRPG) is born!

A handful of days ago, I created the official website and blog for The Songs of Loss, in English. Here you can discover the world of Loss, both the tabletop role-playing game and the novels. There’s a section for the chapters in the novels, one for the world of Loss described in the RPG books, and one for the RPG rules.
It’s a huge job, which I’ve been doing since the beginning of the year, learning to translate my own texts into English. Let me remind you that I neither write nor speak English fluently. So I’m doing the best I can. So far, my first English-speaking readers have given me positive and rather complimentary feedback, but I couldn’t do without proofreaders to revise my work in the future.
Nevertheless, this is your chance to discover the world of Loss, as you read the chapters of the novel and the chapters of the tabletop role-playing game. I really hope you enjoy it!
Oh yes, I’m counting on you to share this on social networks, so thanks in advance!

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