Psychee's Gorean Archives

The Songs of Loss, book 1 ; Armanth, on Wattpad

I’ve finally finished translating the first volume of my saga of novels freely inspired by Gor. It’s about 250 pages of novel, in 15 chapters, and Wattpad announces about 6h40 of reading in total.

And it’s precisely on Wattpad that you can go and read it, until I’ve published everything on the Songs of Loss website. How about a hard copy? I’m looking into a print-on-demand solution, but mostly I’ll be looking for a publisher, I’ve got one or two on hand, but for that I’ll have to finish translating the other volumes in the saga.

And I’m counting on you, I need your help. I’m not very good at promoting myself on English-language social networks. So the more you share and spread the word about my book, the more you’ll help me! Thank you in advance!


Jawaad the merchant-master is known as the white wolf, for his solitary, misanthropic nature, his secrets, his adventurous life and his strange friends. And for his wealth, the benefits of which he seems to disdain. Which is surely his most shocking habit for luxury-loving Athémaïs.

Lisa the earthling is just an orphaned teenager, a junkie who destroyed her own existence, her artistic gifts for drawing, her older sister’s life. She should have died in a dark corner somewhere in Paris. But Loss has snatched her up, and an even crueler destiny begins for her. A destiny in which she must find the strength to survive.

Jawaad is looking for a red-haired, green-eyed earthling. No one has ever known why. But he’s going to find her.

And in the midst of the intrigues and plots of Armanth, the city of the Master Merchants, their destinies will intersect, linking them intimately. Together, they will draw friends, allies and enemies into a quest that will elude them, and decide the fate and destiny of an entire world.

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