Psychee's Gorean Archives

The nature of men & women on Gor

The main problem with playing on Gor SL is always the same: how do you play a man, how do you play a woman?

The reader’s first reaction will be: I’m a man/woman, so I know what we’re talking about. But you don’t. You, like me, are a man/woman of the 21st century, born of two millennia of history and progress, and, no doubt, a Westerner. So, for example, there will already be many differences between you and a 21st-century Chinese person, just as there would be between you and your great-grandparents, so just imagine the gulf between you and someone from Gor!

But what does it matter? The point is to imagine what it might have been like and then embroider and invent your role? And I agree. However, it’s easy to see that simplifying things in this way leads to a great deal of frustration and disappointment. But since we’re talking about having fun, frustration and disappointment are an important subject..

So I’m going to offer you an analysis of what makes the inhabitants of Gor so very different, from us, the inhabitants of 21st century earth. And in so doing, I’m going to unpack why and how the relationships between men, women and slaves work. This is neither a manual nor a code of conduct. It’s just an inspirational tool to help you immerse yourself in your role, and then reinvent it as you see fit, enjoying yourself without frustration.

NB: this article implies many theses and some speculations based on Gor’s context, but never really addressed by Norman. The aim is to enlighten the reader and roleplayer that you are, so purists and “old Gor” will forgive me in advance for making them cringe.

1- Different humans

Gor according to Norman has a lower gravity, which has accentuated the muscular capacity of human beings, making them taller and easier in their movements. So be it. It’s not scientific, but let’s say it works. Men, in particular, are taller, sturdier, both more massive than Earthmen and more V-shaped. The average male is well over six feet tall.

And given the way SL avatars work, in fact, it’s quite common on Gor SL to see 2 meters and over.

The women aren’t so tall. But they are curvaceous, generally beautiful, with voluptuous breasts and wide hips, and with lower gravity, the wear and tear of time on their shape is less accentuated. The Men of Gor like women to be smaller than they are, and their forms to be beautiful and generous. In the end, this model prevails, just as for us in our society the model of the slim, tanned woman, if possible with arrogant breasts, prevails, because it’s the aesthetic canon that’s in vogue at the moment.

But that’s not the whole story. What really makes a huge difference between the men and women of Gor, from a purely biological point of view, is the genetic selection pressure that has weighed down on the human species, and a breadth of medical knowledge that has eradicated certain dangers that we, in the 21st century, still have to juggle with on an ongoing basis.

1.1 – selection by the competitive male rule.

Gor’s world is barbaric, violent and brutal. And it has never recognized, as our societies generally have, the masterly virtue of peaceful civilization. This doesn’t prevent the existence of gigantic city-states, but they base their power on a general competitiveness that encourages war, but strongly discourages extermination.

And to add insult to injury, outside city-states, giant predators are legion and have never been eradicated. Getting eaten in a forest or a plain by bugs three times your weight is a permanent risk. So is the risk of being killed or captured by a raid, outlaw or invasion of some kind.

Added to this is the fact that the priest-kings have always encouraged a selection process on Gor that favors the dominance of the most competitive males.

This selection is of such pressure, that it’s why I use the word eugenics, to a certain extent: “eugenics can be designated as the set of methods and practices aimed at transforming the genetic heritage of the human species, with the aim of making it tend towards a determined ideal.” (Source Wikipedia)

To give an example, this is more or less what was practiced in antic societies like Sparta, which destroyed any malformed child at birth. But we could also mention the Mayans, or the ancient civilizations of Northern China. But here, the priest-kings had far more advanced means, and above all, it was practiced on a larger scale, and for longer.

In such a violent world, being a mother and bringing up children is a tough job! As a result, women who had to endure this same pressure tended to gravitate towards the males who dominated the most, the strongest, the smartest too, the most capable of protecting and ensuring the survival of their children.

To play their role effectively, these males had to use their authority: if a woman took the slightest risk, she could die – and her children, especially babies, could be in mortal danger. A woman who submitted and obeyed easily was therefore more likely to stay alive.

Women who didn’t accept this authority were then put aside, less interesting for ensuring offspring; or they would die, following a rebellion, a mistake, or a bravado at a critical moment. The principle of selective pressure did the rest, along with the nudges I mentioned earlier, and social pressure: women who couldn’t accept male domination were less likely to find a partner, and had fewer children. Women who were more docile were more likely to find a partner and reproduce.

The majority of children born to couples following this model, and it was able to perpetuate itself, transmitting the qualities required for survival (submission of women, power and authority of men) since this is what worked best in the interests of both parties!

And if it worked, it was encouraged, so very quickly, this model dominated, societies redrew their laws to promote it; tastes and models also favored this evolution. Let’s not forget that when this model changed too much, the priest-kings went so far as to raze entire cities to the ground. Superstitious fear has thus been added to this model, to make it even stronger.

Between the simple natural effect, the fact that Goreans have perpetuated it – since it works – and outside intervention, the submissive woman and the strong male have become the norm. More than that: they are the nature of goreans.

But it’s not that simple…

1.2- medical advances.

Three major dangers that still concern 21st-century man have been largely controlled and have almost disappearedon Gor for centuries: ageing, sexually-transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

Let’s put a little water in our wine: no, not all Goreans live young and beautiful for centuries, yes, you can catch the clap here, and yes, you can get knocked up through carelessness.

However, if you have access to medical care, and a little money, you can get rid of these three problems, and the cost could not be more reasonable. And that suddenly changes a lot of things!

To do this, you have to realize that, in our history and society, it’s the fear of unwanted pregnancy and STDs that has forced us to adopt exclusive sexual partner rules and to take control of our sexuality.

On the one hand, since having sex elsewhere is a risk, women in particular (for her, there are two risks, not one) quickly learned not to let their libido run wild. On the other hand, the man gained an effective lever, since in a couple, being able to impose himself as the only “less risky” sexual partner, he had the possibility of manipulation.

Sex is the very engine and essence of all politics.

And as a bonus, until recently on Earth, a woman past 35 was already considered a grandmother (or even dead), and no longer fit to be a mother.

In Gor, we take all that and blow it up.

The result is incredible sexual freedom for women! The possibility of making love without the shackles of the danger associated with it, and the ability to give birth late in life. An incredible revolution in the way men and women relate to each other, which we’re going to talk about now.

2- Sexuality in Gor

So, in an accessible, fairly simple way, we can protect ourselves from STDs, women can choose exactly when to be fertile, or not, and we can stay young for a long time. Guys suddenly have something to worry about! Unable to brandish these weapons to support their authority, they had to resort to others.

To keep a woman, two methods were needed:

The first is that of the parade male, displaying all the qualities required to assert and impose that he is the best possible reproductive partner. This eliminated the most timid men, accentuating the evolutionary choice towards ever stronger, virile, imposing males.

The second is strength. To keep a woman, you capture her, hold her, and put her in a situation of complete dependence. This is slavery. Here, women are no longer reproducers, but objects of pleasure and prestige.

In all cases, sex has become a dominant part of the social relationship. A sexuality that is clearly free of all fetters, which has led to women having to hold back their libido by means other than fear of getting knocked up or falling ill.

This then forced them to be confined within a very rigid framework. A man in Gor is well aware that his partner can go elsewhere without the slightest risk. And if she does, his image as a competitive male takes a hit. So the pressure is on for free women to learn abstinence and coldness, in order to keep their place. Or at least, to pretend to.

On the other hand, every slave knows that she can make love without taking risks. And being a slave, being used sexually is part of the role she must play.

In Gor’s world, chastity isn’t really a concept that needs to be. And fidelity a difficult state to demand. This is what probably encouraged the principle of companionship, where the contract between reproductive partners may only last a year.

However, as evolution has forged dominant and competitive males, they want to have as many wives as possible, and keep them. The straitjacket of control around women has therefore tightened considerably.

On the other hand, women, forcibly selected to submit to this domination, also have sexual needs. These are less satisfied, even though they have no intrinsic dangers to fear from sex.

And finally slaves, women deprived of rights, names and material possessions, but who in return are freed from this abstinence, and can freely express their sexual urges, and are even encouraged and conditioned to do so without the slightest inhibition.

Sllaves are mistreated in general, the price any woman would have to pay would be unacceptable. But this is not the case. While it’s often a horrible or miserable fate, there are just as many slaves who are loved, pampered and protected. For a lot of free women, these slaves are a bit like seeing a chocolate cake, when they’re on a salad diet with no dressing…

3- Men and women

Gor is steeped in tradition. The men know what their wives have to put up with, and are well aware of the heavy burden placed on them by the straitjacket in which they confine them; a price they have to pay not only for themselves and their children, but also for their safety and comfort. Except that it’s the way it is, and no other way, firstly because it works, and secondly because it’s always worked, it’s a tradition that has a reason to exist.

But this same tradition gives them the power, the right, the authority. Among other things, it gives them the right to have one or more slaves at their service, sexual included. Who are available, totally devoted, accessible whenever and however they want. Tough competition.

There’s one thing I’d like to stress: goreans don’t have the modesty of 21st-century Westerners either. It’s rarely seen on Gor SL, but fuck your kajira against a wall in the street can be done (there are, however, certain local laws and social codes that forbid certain forms of public sex, and in Ar, for example, a slave must never be naked in public, except in the Brand Streets and slave-selling areas). And while even I personally don’t find this terrible, it doesn’t detract from the fact that nudity, public sexuality and the display of eroticism and sexual urges are subject to far less concealment.

It’s a case of salad with no dressing, and chocolate cake on the other side. Basically, there are a lot of frustrated women on Gor. And the richer their families – which means they have a large number of slaves and an important social position to hold – the worse it gets.

These women are hardly happy. The slaves they get hold of, even less so.

Things are different in the villages. A slave remains – whatever one might think – quite rare, and can be quite expensive, not a common good at all. So a free woman won’t have to compete with a girl who has no inhibitions about satisfying her sexual urges. Household peace and serenity is easier when you live simply, on Gor.

You might think: well, if female companion can let herself go, why slaves?

Simple: because the most precious commodity on Gor is women. Because the greatest display of power and prestige is slaves. A man who could have a slave and doesn’t will be seen as weak. Foolish. Incompetent. And in a brutally competitive universe, that man is simply going to see another man come along and steal his wife!

So if a man wants to keep what he’s got, he has to assume his role too: prove that he’s a competitive, dominant male, and therefore, compromise nothing with his partner. It’s not that his partner’s desires don’t count. It’s just that they mustn’t jeopardize his position, otherwise he simply wouldn’t be able to protect his wife and children.

It’s as simple as that.

A Gorean isn’t just virile, macho, sexist, imposing and authoritarian. He must also never compromise. His rank, the survival of his family and his partner are at stake. To show weakness, to negotiate out of necessity, to give in to any whim whatsoever, is to give other men good reason to question his claim to be head of the family, the dominant male. As all men desire all women, as soon as one of them shows a weakness, we’ll want to exploit him to steal his women.

It’s no laughing matter when a Gorean watches over his wife and daughters. And his daughters will find it all the easier to put up with him, the more they’ll submit to his authority.

Let’s not forget one thing: a gorean pushed to the limit can, and has the right to, enslave his partner or one of his children! Just as he can sell one of his children, he can also enslave his own daughter. And somewhere between that and risking losing everything, the choice can sometimes be made quickly, even if it means removing the collar once the lesson has been learned.

4- Women with Men

No woman will ever say she wants to be a slave.

Yet many dream of it.

But why? And frankly, it’s hard to understand. A slave owns nothing, not even her name. She has lost everything, starting with her rank, her least rights, and has often been broken and conditioned to become a docile pet. She can be used, beaten, even mutilated or killed, and the only protection is her value to her owner. Who’d better have something to back it up, if he’s asking for more than just compensation, because it can easily be dishonorable to demand a duel, or blood money, for a commodity; which is what a slave is, no more, no less, at least in social codes.

What woman, no kidding, would want to be reduced to that?

Except that..

Except that, as I mentioned earlier, beloved, pampered, protected and well-treated slaves are not rare, just as common as poor slaves reduced to commodities and utilitarian objects. A woman doesn’t dream of becoming an object; rather, she dreams of that freedom which many slaves have, and which she will never have as a Free Woman. She dreams of the romantic part, the abandonment that gives her the right to express all her femininity, from the most tender to the most unbridled sexuality, and which is forbidden to her.

As I’ve already said, depending on social background, this desire ranges from the very weak to the terribly oppressive. Many women find their lives satisfying. We mustn’t forget that women are a precious asset, a work force, a mother, raising children, and are very respected. She must always take her place, but in return she is listened to, and considered.

But now, imagine living in the prison of your suffocating luxury clothes that hide your body, your face, the companion of a rich man surrounded by kajirae, and who therefore has no need of you for tenderness, affections and the games of pleasure. A golden, stifling prison that withers and depresses.

And makes you want to believe – and it’s not wrong – that life would be so much better, at the cost of losing everything, but gaining so much more.

To defend themselves against this tendency, women have become proud and cold, even frigid in the upper castes, which is largely untrue. They change their priorities, in an attempt to give other meanings to their existence. In the end, a peasant woman is surely happier than the companion of a wealthy capital city notable.

And from time to time, the weight is too heavy. A man passing by, a look, a little attention from him, the desire to believe in his promises, but bound by companionship contracts and the social straitjacket, the only way to free yourself is to give yourself to him, to fall at his feet, to offer him your neck, and therefore your life, and at that second lose everything…. and hope to gain much more. In short, to be voluntarily enslaved.

But let’s not forget one thing: a gorean is still a gorean. So there’s a big risk that he’ll change his behavior completely, from a free woman to a self-surrendering slave. He may suddenly treat her as an object and a commodity, or even sell her or give her away. Beautiful stories also happen on Gor… but they can also end very badly. Gor is a merciless place. If men are to survive, they have to be too. And a woman who becomes a slave, loses her status, and ends up at his mercy…. she can then only rely on her ability to always please him, devote herself entirely to him, respond to his every desire, and hope she’s made the right choice.

As we’ve already mentioned, the weight of social pressure between men means that consideration for a slave that isn’t clearly deserved is avoided, so that other men themselves will see it.

One man doesn’t meddle with what another man’s slave does. But it’s like the neighbor’s dog. If it’s not on a good leash, it runs around, digs in your garden, worse, barks at one of your kids, and that’s enough to start an argument, and the animal gets beaten up in the process, by the neighbor, or his master, or both.

Even if a woman has voluntarily given herself to a man who has shown her consideration and interest, she is still a slave, and will be treated as such. One mistake, and her destiny can descend into tragedy. She will be offered no consideration, and the demands of her obedience and perfection will not be compromised. Not because it’s tradition, not because it’s just the way things are, not because it’s in the nature of goreans: but above all, because to do otherwise, once again, is simply dangerous.

And many women discover this too late…

5- Kajirae and Masters

So, I’m no good at talking about male slaves, so I’ll leave that aside, we’re going to look at the relationship between kajirae and free men and women.

The kajira is a slave, except that the term doesn’t describe what she has become, and what she can expect from life. If she is one of the lucky kajirae to have escaped the darker aspects of enslavement and the slave trade, she will have gained a unique freedom, which will always be encouraged and stimulated in her life: the unbridled expression of her feminine and sexual impulses; the easily accessible chocolate cake.

Further than that, it often turns out that caresses, attention and sex are her only rewards, her privilege. This makes the rest of his condition acceptable and bearable.

In exchange for this freedom, the price is high. And nothing belongs to a slave, not even this privilege. You can turn a kajira of pleasures into a kitchen girl who will never again feel the gentle hand of a master awaken her senses, and there’s no reason to do so other than the owner’s decision. And her life can be taken at any time. That’s why the word often used to describe the killing of a kajira is “destroy her”.

And you destroy a good, an object, a vase. You kill a man or an animal. In this expression, terribly demeaning, there is all the heavy meaning of what the kajira is, from the social point of view.

Fortunately, reality is different. Let’s not forget that, for goreans, there’s image, social rank, reputation and facts. There’s the fact that a docile, well-bred, hard-working, clever, conversational, tender, affectionate slave will be considered and pampered.

To return to the example of the dog, a dog that is tender, affectionate, clever and loyal, its master will love it, and will be very affected if his animal is wounded, ill, in danger. Well, the same applies here.

But a slave is still a dog, nothing more. If you ever have to choose between a slave and free men and women, it’s like today: too bad for the dog, but it comes second.

A kajira’s greatest freedom is to be able to express – indeed, to have to express! – all her femininity, hide nothing, show everything, be moving, touching, attractive, languid, warm and always available. And to be used sexually whenever and however you want. In general, she’ll prefer it to be HER master. But that’s still for the example of the dog: if he’s sociable, he’ll love to go for caresses, treats, attention, to be flattered by other hands, even if he remains faithful to his master.

Now, I don’t know if you’d go and scold your dog for being sociable, caressing, tender and playful with others, your neighbors, your friends… but it’s clear that if you did, you’d soon have a completely lost animal, ending up not only fearing your hand, but everyone else’s too. And either he bites, or he runs away, or one day another hand manages to pet him, and a more considerate neighbor will adopt the dog you’ve mistreated.

A kajira is the same thing. Except that instead of petting, treats and affection, here we’re talking about sex. And yes, it really is the same, because even if you order your kajira not to go towards others, to prevent her from being used, she has not only conditioning, but instinct, and the need to let herself be used. It’s her chocolate cake. She’ll make all the efforts she can… but if someone ends up shoving the cake under her nose, and she’s hungry, don’t dream.

Jealousy and possessiveness about Gor SL, when playing in this universe, kill far more slaves than their disobedience.

A kajira, even a trick kajira, in the service of a woman, is still a kajira. To deprive her of affection, attention and sex is to risk compromising her efficiency and diligence in service. This is why, in a household, the master of the house – and why not the mistress – can lend her kajira as one lends one of his possessions, for the night. It’s an appreciated and generous form of hospitality. Since all kajirae are vaccinated against STDs, and sterile, the risk of the slightest accident is almost zero.

And what’s more, it allows us to give a little chocolate cake to the kajirae, who will then go back to getting up at dawn and toiling from evening to morning, waiting for the next visit of another guest (in the hope that it will indeed be as nice as the last time…).

I might as well say it, it ENERVES the free women. We’ve seen that above. And it’s not for nothing that many tower slaves are used as whipping girls by high society women who take cruel revenge for their frustration.

6- Playing tips

Well, I think that after these 5 detailed points, you should have done the trick, but I’ll add here a few loose tips on how to play the basic roles, without getting too heady. Let’s get started:

– Your relationship is a game:

It may not sound like much, but a couple who starts playing Gor SL is going to run into a big problem. There’s a lot of sex involved! If you’re playing a couple of characters, sooner or later you’re going to have to deal with this. So keep it simple: establish safeguards between yourselves, simple things, and when a scene comes to that safeguard, arrange it via roleplay, or a message in IM to the people you’re playing with, to warn them that it’s your safeguard.

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen couples hurt themselves for having misjudged the impact on their relationship of what is a game, but a game that touches on intimate things; so you might as well think about it beforehand.

– You can’t punish a kajira for being a kajira:

Jealousy, and possessiveness over Gor SL, when playing in this universe, kill far more slaves, than their disobedience, as I said above. If the kajira is your girlfriend, see the point above. Otherwise, reread chapter 5, and apply it! In Gor’s world, if a man wants to keep his slave for himself, he chains her up, or locks her up, or puts a chastity belt on her. If she wanders off, and finds herself being used, or a man comes to take her because he wants to, she’s done what she’s supposed to do: not refuse, and obey. Punishing her for being obedient is like punishing a dog for being wise and sociable.

– A violent man is a brute, an authoritarian man is a master:

The nuance lies in this idea. Whether with his children, his companion or his slaves, a Gorean has no reason to be violent. The world does. His enemies deserve his violence. But his own deserve his just authority. Basically, punishing with punches or kicks is violent and useless. And dangerous! A Gorean male is a mountain, he can break bones; explode entrails, as well. Hitting gratuitously is worse! When a gorrean wants to let off steam, he’ll wrestle with his neighbors and buddies, or drink big mugs.

Of course, there will be bullies, and the slap that goes off without a second thought, with a black eye in the process, does happen. And much worse. But a man avoids wounding, damaging or hurting. Goreans are not gratuitously sadistic or cruel.

Above all, any punishment must be commensurate with the offence. And it must be understood, i.e. either explained or shown.

– Manliness means showing that you’re also the protector:

In most of the Gorréen RP venues I’ve frequented, there’s always one or two men who attract women around them. They always have the same profile, whatever the character: they’re self-assured, patient, show a certain tenderness (visible more or less easily), and always remain intransigent and authoritarian. They have protector profiles, and whatever their role, they don’t denigrate females, but just see themselves as superior to them, and therefore also responsible for protecting them, requiring them to be docile to do so.

So gentlemen, there’s no need to believe that the obnoxious, brutal and sexist macho who despises women is going to draw a crowd. Above all, he’s going to risk attracting enmity, and being loved by neither men nor women. Goreans are far more virile than brutal.

– Women in your community have rights:

A free woman can work-and often does-can own, and can decide. Depending on the environment, she will be more or less strongly supervised by her family or entourage, but she is considered, listened to and respected. She has the right to raise her voice, to yell at a guy – even if it’s a bit risky, these animals are hot-blooded – and to lodge a complaint if he’s behaved badly towards her. And you can’t force her to obey, or enslave her, or punish her, just like that. In general, any woman of a hearthstone has nothing to fear from the men of her hearthstone, as long as she keeps her place, and if she doesn’t, she’ll be judged by a council of her peers! It’s the same for men.

The law tends to be on their side, but no, men don’t have all the power. And a man prefers not to antagonize women, simply because it will complicate his life, and his chances of having, or starting, a family.

– Never compromise, never renegotiate:

When a gorean said “no”, he didn’t say maybe, or later. You don’t go back on your decisions, you don’t go back on your word. Which means that a gorean never makes decisions lightly, and when he does the stupid thing anyway, he has to take responsibility for it. To hesitate, renegotiate or compromise is to be weak… and that’s a bad plan.

And on this point, women and men are the same: their word and their pride are at stake. This doesn’t mean that couples can’t talk and negotiate on the sly, or come to an arrangement after a decision has been made a little too abruptly. But goreans avoid this as much as possible.

This also means that when faced with a risk, a Gorean will confront it, rather than flee or procrastinate. And even more so if the risk is posed by a woman. It’s inconceivable for a Gorean to truly fear a woman… even if he or she has every reason to think it would be more prudent!

– You’re a slave, not a princess:

And there are plenty who believe it! A woman is nothing the second she loses her name and wears a collar. She’s only what her owner decides she should be; she belongs to him, like an object. But she’s also only what the other free Goreans want her to be! It’s not for nothing that a female is broken, starved and exhausted, to show her the extent of the hopelessness of her condition, and that the only way out is to be totally docile and obedient to men. And not just their master.

To behave capriciously, disobediently or obnoxiously, to demand or refuse, is virtually unthinkable for a slave. Some do, and take the risk. But this risk can end in the worst punishment, or death. Once you play a slave, the risk is as simple as that: anyone can punish you, not just your owner. You could very well be injured or killed, and the only thing the person responsible has to do is compensate your owner.

I’d like to remind all players who play a kajira that getting shaken, manhandled and abused is inevitable. I I don’t like it when punishment and beatings are given for free., either. But if you’re playing a princess, and not a slave, you’ll inevitably get into trouble that will simply spoil the fun for you and others, and create conflicts outside the RP; so you might as well avoid it.


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