Psychee's Gorean Archives
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The Gorean University round table at Whipstock !

And here’s another video, this time quite long, as it’s the recording of the round table with Master Black Ort and Mamzelle io, from Gorean University, in Whipstock! These roundtables take place every Sunday evening, starting at 6:30 p.m. SLT/Pacific (yes, that means 3:30 a.m. for me-that’s rough!) and this gives you an idea of the atmosphere and how these roundtables go.

And what’s Gorean University? To start with, friends, and also friends of Lyra, my Mistress. It’s thanks to her that I met them and became a member of the Gorean University staff. Then, well, it’s a group of sims dedicated to discovering role-playing on Gor, and all the edutainment aspects of Gor on Second Life. It’s not a purely BTB sim, as Master Black often says, it’s RP light, i.e. when people roleplay, we respect Gor in spirit, and we try to respect it in letter, but we can very well come to a class or a conference in a neon green tutu or a Californian beach outfit! The times when BtB codes are enforced are always clearly announced. And last but not least, it’s the headquarters of the Gorean Archives, as well as of my Gorean brand store.

If you’d like to find out more, follow this link!

Aaaaand… the video !

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