Psychee's Gorean Archives
EnglishNewsNews du blog

The Gorean Archives on Marketplace

I need coffee, a semi-truckload of coffee, I’m not waking up today. But then… yesterday I opened my store on the Second Life marketplace, so you can visit it from the web!

You’ll find gorean brands and framed artworks, and soon some tattoos, as I create. I think the Gorean brands will be my main productions. They’re what I create best and most original, but above all the most sought-after by customers. But we’ll see! I think I’ll update once a week or so, but I know myself, I find it hard to be regular. That said, I still have products to offer, and lots of Gorean brand ideas to create!

Gorean Archives Marketplace:

If you’d like to support me, please visit my store in Second Life, where you can make a donation to encourage me, with a tip jar on the spot. A huge thank you and all my gratitude, in advance! SLURL:

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