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EnglishSlaves-girls of Gor

Slave’s Rules

What follows is in fact what governs the relationship between master and slave. We will describe them, point by point. They are not universal rules, but codes, laws and traditions that are generally respected. It’s important to bear in mind that every master imposes his own laws, desires and whims on his slave; after all, he’s an animal, an asset that belongs to him.

However, to give certain orders or allow certain freedoms to a slave, which are not customary, is also to put her in danger from other Free people who expect irreproachable behavior from the slave. So even the most whimsical masters, unless they find it cruelly amusing, won’t play around with these rules. They respect the same common ground, because it’s expected as a social norm.

After all, in real life, and I speak from experience as a dog handler (the correct term for “dog master”), dogs are trained on the same basis, so that they are socially integrated, do not represent a danger, and are not annoying to the dog owner’s neighbors. And once again, the girl-slave and trained dog analogy is completely valid, as Gor’s kajirae, though human and intelligent, are trained and treated like our tame dogs. If you’re wondering how a slave girl should react, ask yourself how a trained dog would react, it’s very similar.

Obviously, some aspects of these rules are HORRIBLE… and a little whimsical. They should be taken as theoretical rules and guides for interpreting Kajira. Some aspects of these rules are totally universal, others are highly debatable and, in general, in Gorean RP on Second Life, these rules are applied flexibly: the aim is for everyone to have fun! So, NO, this is not a list of Laws, but just some rules to know how to interpret them and play your Kajira.

Excerpt from the novels

“And Elinor Brinton of Park Avenue, a Gorean slave, danced before the warriors.

The music was rough, melodious, deeply sensual.

Suddenly, without understanding, I saw their eyes fill with amazement. They were silent, their fierce eyes shining. I saw their hands stiffen, their shoulders hunched.

I danced.

I’d been well-educated in the cages of Ko-ro-ba. It wasn’t for nothing that Lana and I were among the most magnificent slaves in the cages.”

 (Slaves of Gor)

The Three Laws of Kajira

All kajirae, in theory, know them. They are made to repeat the following, naked, on their knees with open thighs in front of a mirror, until exhaustion:

“Who am I? A slave girl, a woman possessed.
Why am I marked? So that everyone can see I’m possessed.
What is my only duty? Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience.
What is my greatest desire? To please men.”

The three laws speak for themselves: a slave must be beautiful, clean, healthy and attractive, perfect in appearance and bearing, even dressed in a camisk cut from a sack of suls. She must obey the orders of all free men, whoever they may be (see below) and, finally, she must do her utmost to be pleasant, i.e. to attract the desire of free men and the satisfaction of free women (and why not their desire too, but in public, that’s really to be avoided). To this end, a kajira will always be docile, welcoming, friendly and smiling, even when she’s crying and in despair. Her safety is at stake: a Gorean proverb puts it quite simply: “a girl who is not pleasant is destroyed.” (yes, destroyed, like an object and not killed like a living being, just to remind us that she is a possession).

Consequently, a kajira obeys to the best of her ability and with all her being the sexual orders of any master, no matter how painful, terrifying or degrading. She has been trained, and must have been trained, to accept without ever backing down or resisting – unless her master has ordered restrictions on this.

Slaves rules

Sleeping on the floor:

It’s not common to see a kajira lying alone or with her master on a couch or bed. Instead, she will usually be on a mat with a blanket on the floor at her feet. If she has not satisfied the master during the evening, she will be punished, stripped naked and chained at the foot of the bed, without her mat or blanket. The ground and nights can be cold on Gor. Few kajirae, once unchained in the early morning, are not even more motivated to serve their master to the best of their ability.

Displeasing a master:

A kajirae who has displeased her master is often whipped. Once again, we’re talking about flat whips, floggers, whips or swifts, not snake whips. By far, however, whipping is not the only punishment for displeasure. Generally speaking, the punishment will be proportional to the offence: a light punishment for a small offense. It should be noted, however, that there will always be masters who will beat to death for a slight omission. Consequently, kajirae are very quickly scared to death of the whip, and its simple snap of the flat straps can put them into a panic trance, and make them beg, long before the first blow.

Making mistakes:

There is no discussion, no weakness, in the upbringing and demands placed on a kajira. No omission, no oversight in the quest for perfection to be, obey, act, think and feel like a kajira, is allowed. During the slave’s training, this point will always be indisputable, precise and exact, uncompromising. No mercy or condescension will be shown to the kajira. If she deviates even one iota from the perfection that should make her a slave, she must expect systematic punishment. Goreans don’t compromise, so expecting mercy is futile.

Being rude, disrespectful or abusive:

A kajira who can’t hold her tongue can expect, in the most modest case, to be deprived of speech, but just as easily muzzled, or gagged. In the most serious cases, if she escapes death at the hands of the Free angered by her words, she may well have her tongue cut out.


It’s unthinkable for a Kajira to try to escape, but it does happen. Generally, the first time, she will be whipped, publicly, as an example, and then usually with a snake-whip, which will leave scars. The second time, she’ll be branded with the sign of infamy (a small red I next to her slave mark). If the lesson hasn’t been learned, her Achilles tendons will be cut and she’ll be kept like this, only to serve as an example to others, crippled and mutilated forever. In the worst cases, it’s death, after torture.

Assaulting a Master:

When a kajira assaults a master, the consequence is most often death, preceded by long and cruel public torture. She may be spared, especially in dressage. But she won’t be given two chances, and whatever happens, she will be terribly punished, with the utmost cruelty and severity, so that she never has the strength to do it again. A slave never resists a free man. Even when he’s preparing to kill her. It is said that a slave must offer her throat so that her master, if he wishes, can easily get rid of her if he finds it necessary.

Never lie, never hide anything:

A Kajira owns nothing, not even her secrets, her thoughts, her privacy. A slave is forbidden to conceal her feelings and emotions. A slave must never hide or hold anything against a master. The slave has no rights, no privacy; the slave is a thing, a possession, a pet. He is not allowed to have secret thoughts or hidden desires, and of course, even less allowed to lie. A kajira must reveal and expose for all to see her desires and impulses, her sexual nature and tastes, without any right to modesty. Failure to do so is a good way to end up whipped. No inhibitions are allowed to a slave; she must show everything about her desires and needs, sexual desires and attractions. Of course, this doesn’t mean that her master has to take them into account, or respect them. She’s there for his pleasure, and to serve him, and too bad if he doesn’t do what she likes, or doesn’t care. Lying to a free person, and withholding information, is cruelly punished, and can earn the slave the sign of Infamy.

Never name a master:

A Kajira will never call her master by name. A Kajira will never call any freeman by name in front of him. A kajira may name the frees in case of necessity, when questioned or when she has to explain something that requires the use of the frees’ name. . Pronouncing the name of a free person in front of him or her, instead of master or mistress, is a serious offense that is usually punished immediately.

Accepting punishment:

A Kajira will never complain about a punishment, no matter how unfair or gratuitous. The kajira has nothing to complain about; she can be punished at any time and by anyone. It will accept any punishment its owner or a free person deems it deserves. If she doesn’t know why she’s being punished, there may be no reason. A master needs no reason to punish, except cruelty or pleasure. And a slave can’t complain about it… then she could be punished for complaining.  So unnecessary or gratuitous cruelty can happen, and every slave knows that her life is in constant peril, outside her owner’s shelter.

Don’t look into a Master’s eyes:

A slave is always very careful not to look directly into a master’s eyes, especially those of a stranger. She could be slapped or beaten for such insolence. The only exception is when the master asks to look into the slave’s eyes, to see into her innermost self. But by nature, the vast majority of kajirae are conditioned to lower their eyes in front of a free man, considering themselves inherently inferior.

Never ask, only beg:

The principle is simple: a slave never owns anything, and her owner owes her nothing. So if a slave can (and should) express her wants, needs and tastes, her owner doesn’t have to take them into account. If a slave wants something, be it food, drink, clothes, a caress… or even to relieve herself…. she has to beg.  Of course, this requirement fades once the slave girl is trained, educated, and has proven her devotion and loyalty. But a master will expect his slave to come begging, prostrate at his feet, when she asks for a favor that is not a customary necessity.

A few other points:

– A slave never sits down, except on command, on a cushion, chair, bench or armchair. She can be severely punished, even killed, for doing so.

– A slave is often forbidden to eat in front of free people, whether standing or sitting at a table. This is to remind her that she is an animal, and must therefore eat on the floor. A slave is rarely given cutlery; she eats with her fingers. A common lesson, which Goreans find necessary and amusing, is to make a slave eat without being able to use her hands.

– A slave will stand or kneel to the left of her owner. Putting a valuable, educated kajira on her right side is traditionally considered a kind of humiliation for the kajira.

– Free men generally never interfere in slaves’ disputes. It’s none of their business, and to do so would be dishonorable. They will only intervene if there is an injury that damages their property, or if their property is threatened with injury or death. This is a rule that, in fact, Goreans tend not to respect themselves.

– A free person won’t accept (in theory, because in practice it often happens) that a slave teach him anything: that would be owing him a favor, and a slave is an animal, a free person can’t owe him anything. Even if a free man has learned a skill or knowledge from a slave, he will deny it or keep it quiet.

– A free person will not traditionally teach a slave her trade. But in practice, it’s quite common in private. A slave doesn’t have the right to know and practice a profession that free men have. But exceptions and contradictions to this rule are frequent in the novels.

– What happens if a slave saves a free man? Nothing happens. She’s done what can be expected of her. A slave is an animal; a free person owes her nothing. However, she will often be rewarded for her courage with better consideration and gifts.

– A Love slave (i.e. one who loves and is loved by her master) can be recognized both by the master’s tenderness and possessiveness towards his Love slave, and by the very strict, even cruel and without mercy, way in which he treats her. Goreans like to love their slaves, but this feeling is a weakness that must be compensated for by even greater harshness and demands in public.

– A proverb from the novels says: “only a fool frees his slave”. Why? Because once trained, conditioned and educated, a slave girl will remain a slave in her head, i.e. submissive, considering herself both inferior and different from free women, docile, hungry for tenderness, devotion and sex. What goreans call a “woman”, because that’s their definition of femininity. Such a woman cannot flourish under the rigid, icy robes and rules of a free woman, and she will wither away.

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