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EnglishNewsSlaves-girls of Gor

Slave training & education

Warning: the following may shock sensitive readers, so be warned.

Gor’s slave-girl training consists of taking a woman, whether Gorean or barbarian, locking her up, mistreating her, stripping her of every right and consideration reserved for a human being, hammering away at her will and personality as a free woman until she’s totally animalized and ready to obey any simple command immediately and instinctively, as a trained animal would, motivated by fear of punishment.

However, once she’s reached this stage, the only thing the newly-created slave girl knows is obedience, fear and her animal state. She’s nothing else, knows nothing else and understands nothing of her new state. She’s still a long way from loving him, and an even longer way from looking like a happy, lively, sensual and devoted kajira.

The slave girl must therefore be conditioned, once she has been trained. This is called the education stage. The trained slave is a blank page, so to speak; now it’s time to rewrite everything, properly. So let’s take a closer look at slave training and education.

1- Training

Why break a slave to train her?

I have a beautiful example I like to cite on this subject, which comes simply from a discussion, a conference on Second Life I held on the subject, with friends, and where I summed it up as follows:

Take five minutes to put yourself firmly in your shoes as a Western earthwoman of the 21ème century and think about this: how could you voluntarily accept, in all conscience and with all your means and lucidity, that all your rights, your very identity, be taken away from you, since you no longer have a name, therefore no family, no roots, no past?

 They take away your right to decide what you do with your body, your time, your days and nights. They take away your freedom to choose who you love and who you hate. But you’re even forbidden to decide what you want to say or think. Above all, you are made to understand that you are an object, whose value depends solely on who owns you. You can be raped, humiliated, beaten, tortured and mutilated, and that’s normal because that’s what you’re there for. You can even be killed on a whim, and people can do whatever they want with you. But your duty is to be perfect in everything you do and in the way you are enslaved, at the risk of being beaten or worse.

Whatever happens, you’re ultimately nothing more than what your owner decides, and he or she can lend you, give you away, sell you and even abandon you through no fault of your own. They ask for all your passion, love, patience, attention and absolute devotion, but they owe you nothing in return. Would you accept this willingly? Or would you fight to escape it, at all costs?

Well, that question works equally well for guys and gals. I don’t know what your answer is, but so far, every time I’ve asked it like this to people playing on Gor SL, the answer is: ah yeah but no, no way!  And the only answer in return is then logical, obvious: yes, but if it’s that or die in terrible pain, what would you choose? And that’s the whole point of training. You have to confront the slave with the obvious, by appealing not to his logic, his reason, but to his body, his instinct: accept your fate or die.

But here’s the thing: Norman’s a jerk… because no one’s going to easily accept such degradation when they see the romantic aspect of it, “oh, the handsome, virile man at whose feet I feel so good!  If it’s indeed a Gorean fantasy – and the young woman who gives in to her fantasy will soon be disillusioned by reality – you’ll want it even less if these concepts aren’t part of your Western Earth culture!

It’s easier, and clearly recognized, to enslave and subdue a Gorean woman, who lives in a world of female slavery and submission and has literally integrated deep into her psyche that this is the order of things and the nature of her world. She can even see the advantages, because, yes, for her, in a very concrete way, there really are, even if the price to pay is still very, very high.

And to ensure that this self-evident statement – accept your fate or you’ll die – gets through, there are no thirty-six solutions: it has to be forcibly, radically and definitively accepted by the girl. To be sure that the girl won’t rebel, won’t put herself in danger, won’t put others in danger and that she is, in short, ready to meekly accept her training and the state in which you want to place her in order to make her a true slave-girl of Gor.

The steps can be summarized as follows:

Note: branding is not the pinnacle of slave training! Branding is in fact an impersonal action, which has two uses: the first is to signal that the branded girl is legally a slave. Some slave girls are never branded, but they can’t be sold, as branding is mandatory for trade. The second use is to help break the slave during her training, by making her understand definitively that her condition is inescapable. Often, branding takes place during or at the end of the first week of training, more rarely during the second week. Never later, because the shock of branding can ruin the training.

Week 1 – hammering the will :

The slave girl is skilfully tortured and put under the most intense psychological pressure; she is tied up, locked up, debased and starved, deprived of all rest, until she gives in completely and her will and rebellion are totally broken. The only hope the slave girl has left is to live, and to understand that this now depends solely on her torturer.

The means of action are numerous, but the most common are: the cage, the slave box, suspension, shackles, and of course rape and torture. The slave girl will be deprived of all hygiene and treated like the vilest of animals, completely dehumanized, until she gives in.

In all cases, the aim is for the slave-girl to lose her dignity and understand the inevitability and hopelessness of her fate. The more harshly and cruelly she is treated and abused, the sweeter her comfort will be when the first gestures and acts of reward come. She must be afraid, scream, rebel, cry, beg and finally give up begging, accept her fate and understand that it’s no longer in her hands, but in those of her tormentor. And that she accepts that he is her master, that he disposes of her and her life.

Yes, it’s atrocious when you put it that way. And, yes, it’s the reality of training on Gor. Cruel, primal and brutal, this training must break the slave girl, until she no longer has the courage, or the strength, to rebel. Once subdued, she’ll kneel, head down, gaze down, thighs open, as soon as she hears the command: Nadu. She can then obediently eat out of her master’s hand without using her fingers. Now that she’s matured, she can be trained.

This stage can take a few days; the Goreans say that an intelligent woman understands this in three days. That said, it’s more like six or seven, or even more. It’s easy to imagine that a freedom-loving Earth woman who doesn’t know how to speak Gorean is likely to resist for ten or fifteen days, and sometimes even longer!

Above, the most common tools and methods for subduing and training a slave girl:

* Branding: this is virtually systematic, and takes place in the hours or days following capture. However, a master may prefer branding to be the final event in the slave’s training, once she has been exhausted and made docile. Obviously, having a sign – usually the Kef, the stylized letter K of kajira, but this is not automatic – branded on the left thigh, very visibly, is not only terribly painful, but also terribly psychologically scarring.

And yes, it’s excruciating. For those who can’t wrap their heads around it, this type of pain is estimated at 7.5 (out of 10) on the Universal Pain Scale (UPS), somewhere between renal colic and difficult childbirth. A toothache is 5, a fracture 4. (Editor’s note: oh yeah, my type of migraine is about 7?!).

* The cage: another compulsory step, the cage is a sure-fire way of isolating a slave and, once chained and locked up, protecting her from herself. The cage restricts movement, and quickly leads to profound isolation. The slave will often come to know the cage, and will have to accept it naturally. A slave who is locked up, deprived of food or water, or simply undernourished, will quickly give in.

* Food deprivation: within a few days, the slave who is starving and resisting will agree to eat at the master’s hand. Undernourished, exhausted by the cage, she’ll eventually drop to her knees and allow herself to be fed obediently.

* The slave box: a terrible way to break a slave’s will is a closed, isolated box, only ventilated so the slave doesn’t suffocate. Small in stature, she lies prostrate in the dark and silence, dirty and soiled. It doesn’t take long before, by dint of screaming, rebelling and crying, she unresistingly submits.

* Drowning: another violent method, requiring great control, is drowning, to subdue the slave and show her that her life can now end at any moment. After a few drowning sessions, she learns the fear of dying so forcefully that she is quickly subdued.

* Whipping: the method consists in whipping the girl hard every day, the rest of the time she’s locked up in a cage. Every slave girl will be whipped at least once. Each rebellion leads to a whipping – a flat whip, or slave whip, so as not to damage her – the first time the whip is given long and hard, as a first gratuitous act that teaches her pain and the fear of reliving it.

* The electric prod: the pain is terrible, and an electric prod can kill with long, painful shocks that cause terrible spasms. But it has the advantage of requiring no effort and not damaging the slave, and is often even more cruel and frightening than the flat whip.

* Humiliation: this stage is systematic. In front of an audience, or even in the middle of the street, in a square, on the deck of a ship, under the gaze of a large number of men, the slave is stripped, outraged and humiliated, or even taken by force or forced by the whip to surrender herself to the men. Bared, exposed, felt and touched, devoured by the gaze, mocked and commented upon, she sees her honor and pride shattered.

Week 2 to 4- Obedience:

The newly-mated slave girl is subjected to severe conditioning based entirely on a visceral fear of punishment. The aim is for her to obey every simple command without a second thought. The mind is not called upon; it’s the body and instinct that will learn. The trainer physically exhausts the girl, deprives her of everything, barely feeds her and barely lets her sleep. The slave girl is kept under intense stress; the slightest hesitation provokes immediate punishment, which builds to a crescendo.

The slave girl learns to keep her eyes downcast, to wait without moving, to kneel with a glance, to put herself in the required position. She learns slave positions, to be touched and manipulated by anyone, eventually to be used sexually in any way (and without regard for her pleasure), to beg while crawling for food or to be able to go to the toilet or wash, etc…

By the end of such treatment, the slave girl has been truly brainwashed. Her mind is like a blank page. She’ll retain traumas that will keep her docile and submissive forever, even if the work isn’t finished yet. It’s worth noting that free Gorean women have learned some of these codes and orders, and have been shown how to obey them, to spare them some of the suffering they’ll have to endure.

This stage can take two to four weeks, but the most resistant may not give way for a month or more.

Weeks 5 to 6 – Training:

When the slave begins to show that she is totally resigned to her fate, obeys all orders given to her and accepts her new condition, the slave owner begins to reward her when she obeys and proves docile. This may take the form of treats or caresses, but above all it’s flattery and praise, just as one would give to a wise and docile animal. Animalization is thus reinforced: the slave learns that to obey is to receive pleasure, and to disobey is to suffer.

The slaver takes the time to strengthen the bond of dependence with the slave and grants her a few privileges: more food, a first name, accessories for her hygiene and grooming, more sleep, the right to walk around, a blanket, etc. Normally, the slave will now accept the leash and shackles without protest.

To gauge the quality of training, simply perform a test: give the slave a particularly humiliating or degrading command and see if she does it without hesitation. If she obeys, she is rewarded. The test is repeated several times over the course of a few days. If the slave obeys each time, the training has been successful.  From then on, the slave can be trained.

Slavers often sell trained girls at this stage, if they consider that the girl is not worth the extra time and expense. The new owner will complete the training himself and provide education for her new acquisition.

This last stage can take between one and two weeks, and at this stage, it rarely fails. That said, the most rebellious slaves never reach this stage, and are often dead in the meantime. This is the case, for example, with Earth girls, half of whom don’t survive the ordeal. It’s not for nothing that some slavers specialize in training them, and until an Earth slave girl is well trained and educated, she’s not worth much.

On the other hand, an Earth slave who has been properly educated can fetch very high prices: Earth slave girls are reputed to be passionate and amorous, which appeals greatly to Goreans.

At this stage, the slave knows nothing: her will has been broken and her mind washed of its former personality, especially those aspects that wanted to resist enslavement; her body is, of course, in bad shape and her health exhausted by training. All she knows is the visceral fear of disobeying on pain of punishment, and the beginnings of a very animal awareness that, if she is wise and obedient, she will be rewarded.

So now we have to reformat the slave and bring out her reshaped personality, and condition her to love and fully accept her new state. This is where education begins.

Note: what is the failure rate? Well, Norman doesn’t talk much about it, but from what I remember in the various novels, it’s not very high, but it’s definitely there.  There’s no shortage of mentions of slave girls going mad or rebelling too much during training, and having to be killed. I’d say the average failure rate is around 5-10%, but that’s a rough estimate, taking into account references to the training (yes, it existed!) of slaves in Rome, which was higher: between 15 and 20%. Given that Gor’s world has accentuated submissive behavior in women, and that Gorean slavers have 10,000 years of experience in perfecting their methods, 5 to 10% losses seems a reasonable figure to me.

2- Conditioning

From now on, the slaver will no longer be the only one in charge of the slave. Always kept under close surveillance and with very little freedom of movement, she is entrusted to a slave-girl educator who will continue her conditioning.

The slaver keeps a close eye on this stage. He can’t usually do it himself, however, as the first few weeks require intensive supervision, several hours a day. Besides, a slaver has a social life: he has a partner, children, family, friends, and a business to run.

At this stage, the slave is docile: we can assume that after all she has been through, her mind still shaken by cruel ordeals and intense exhaustion, she obeys completely, without thinking. Regularly, this obedience will be put to the test by physically demanding orders from the slaver and educator, mainly to maintain strong psychological pressure.

Warning: what follows is not exactly what is described in the novels, and for good reason: this subject is only described in a few rather incomplete paragraphs. So I’ve made sure to fill in what’s missing to achieve what Norman describes as a kajira: a sensitive, eroticized slave whose sensuality is inextricably bonded to her status as a slave. Of course, this is just one of many ways of doing things.

Excerpts from the novels :

“The conditioning was subtle as well as crude, for it was not limited to the combination of a system of punishments and rewards; the young women were also inculcated with an image and conception of themselves. This began, in rudimentary form, in the first two weeks of their education. During the first week, curiously enough, the pupils did nothing but remain on their knees, in the position of the Slave of Pleasure, for several ahns a day, in front of a large mirror. During this time, they wore only their collars and, in the case of Phyllis and Virginia, their left ankle rings. The purpose of this exercise, or so Elizabeth and I assumed, was to accustom the young women to thinking of themselves as slaves. During the second week, kneeling in the same way, they had to repeat the ritual phrase: “I am a slave. I am a slave. I am a slave.” Virginia and Phyllis, by necessity, did so in English, and Elisabeth in Gorean. During the third week, the teaching became a little more subtle; Flaminius visited the young women during class and expounded, first in English and later in Gorean, certain points of history, natural rights, categories of human beings and relations between the sexes. The aim of these speeches was, of course, to convince them that what had happened to them conformed to certain laws of competition between species, of conflict and domination, of the justified order of nature. They were the wives of inferior men who had proved incapable of protecting them; such men could be defeated if one wished; their wives belonged to those who could take them, to the victors; consequently, they were slaves by nature; this type of enslavement had always existed and would always exist; it was right and good that, as slaves by nature, they should devote all their energy and intelligence to providing pleasure for their masters; there was also a strong dose of male superiority and a widespread Gorean conception, justified by many arguments, according to which women are, by nature, slaves, deserve their fate and are only fully satisfied, happy, when considered as such. “

(Gor’s Assassins)

.” Slave education continued. After a period devoted entirely to exercises, it came to elements such as attitude, gait, kneeling, lying down, eating and drinking. Grace and beauty, according to Sura, and I won’t question her competence in this field, are above all a question of expression of the body as well as the face.”

(Gor’s Assassins)

.” I was pleased to note, however, that Elisabeth was learning many things that, from my point of view, were far more necessary for a slave, including numerous dances, dozens of songs and an incredible amount of different caresses and kisses. The various techniques in her repertoire, which theoretically made her capable of providing delectable pleasures to anyone from the Ubar to the Peasant, are far too complex and elaborate for me to outline here. However, I don’t think I’ve missed a single one.”

(Gor’s Assassins)

Weeks 7 & 8, the mirror

1- Learning about her body: the slave’s first week is spent naked in front of a large full-length mirror. She is in nadu, on her knees with her thighs open, sometimes with her arms behind her back, or behind her head. The educator, or an assistant slave, is responsible for ensuring that the slave looks in the mirror, studies herself and keeps silent. She has to hold the posture for several hours at a time, which means she won’t succeed and will be punished by the educator. But when she does succeed, she’ll be flattered and stroked as a reward, sometimes even with a sweet. The slave does nothing else: she is taken out of her cage when it’s time for the mirror, and put back in after her 5 to 6 hours of testing. She may be visited by the slaver, who will come to feed her or supervise her care and test her obedience, but nothing is taught or explained to her yet.

2- Learning she’s a slave: here the conditioning begins. The second week is the same as the first, but the slave in front of the mirror has to repeat over and over: “I’m a slave”. If she’s a barbarian and doesn’t know Gorean, we’ll make sure she repeats it in her own language. Here again, it’s easy to imagine that the sheer psychological pressure of the ordeal can’t go down without a hitch, so the slave will often be punished, and often rewarded by succeeding in the effort imposed. Educators don’t punish as cruelly as slavers: more often than not, they hit the slave with a badine, electric prod, etc., to discipline her and force her to continue.

Weeks 9: teaching

3- Learning why she’s a slave: Here the lessons begin, along with the explanations, for the third week. As a reminder, the slaver trains and orders, the educator educates and explains. Both will play a more crucial role, however.

During the day, still naked in front of the mirror, the slave receives from the educator an explanation of her state, her status, her now-proven nature. That the slave girl is the only true natural woman (in Gor’s world), that it is in this state that she can and must freely live her femininity and sexuality, that she can and must be proud of it, and why she must serve men totally and think only of pleasing them.

The slave can discuss and even debate, including with other slaves. The educator will teach the slave mantras, i.e. texts and series of questions and answers that must be repeated over and over again, pushing the slave to fully integrate the idea that she is a slave, why she is one and what her role is. This is where slaves learn what is forbidden, and the risks of breaking the rules and duties of their new state.

The slave owner will also regularly remind the slave of these principles, but above all will question her on the mantras and questions and answers she has learned. Of course, it’s all about reward and punishment. During these two weeks, the slaver and educator will begin to introduce more erotic and sexual flattery and caresses to reward the slave and awaken her sexuality.

Excerpts from the novels:

Who are you? I’m a slave, a woman possessed.

Why are you branded? So that everyone can see I’m possessed.

Why are you wearing a slave collar? So that everyone knows who owns me.

What’s your only duty? Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience.

What is your greatest desire? To please men.

What’s the only answer you’re allowed at the end of a discussion? Yes, master.

 Who must you serve? All masters.

How should you serve ? I must serve and please as if my life depended on it.

Who are you? I’m a slave, a woman possessed. La Kajira.

Weeks 10 & 11: Slave fire

4- Learning to accept being a slave: the slave returns to the mirror, full time, and does just one thing: repeats over and over again the slave mantras, which sum up the most essential codes of her state and condition. The educator questions her, and the slave has to answer immediately and without error, the educator managing to accentuate the psychological pressure through the rhythm of the questions and through further caresses and erotic stimulation to keep the slave under a high degree of arousal.

During this week, it’s common practice to interrogate and rehearse the slave blindfolded, while she’s being caressed by unknown hands. Or to keep her hands tied behind her back and blindfolded the rest of the time, including when sleeping, feeding or washing, in order to make her lose all autonomy.

5- Learning to love being a slave: the next week, which can sometimes last another week, consists of completing the slave’s conditioning. Here, the slaver himself will often attend or participate in this stage.

In front of a mirror, but also often blindfolded and with her hands tied behind her back, the slave is stroked and sexually stimulated, while she has to repeat over and over again: I am a slave. Sometimes she repeats a slave mantra under the same conditions. The slaver may come and caress the slave until she orgasms, while forcing her to repeat and shout this phrase or her mantras. The work here is long and requires constant vigilance, as the aim is for the slave to become totally imbued with her state, her nature, to the point of associating it with pleasure, after having associated disobedience and rebellion with pain.

6- The final test: it’s very simple. Once the last few weeks of conditioning are over, the slave owner makes the slave repeat, naked, on her knees in front of him, the simple phrase: I am a slave, or the classic slave mantra: “Who am I? A slave, a woman possessed. Why am I marked? So that everyone can see I’m possessed. What is my only duty? Absolute obedience. What is my greatest desire? To please men. If the slave is sexually aroused when she responds to the slave-driver, if she reacts sensually and her body can’t hide it, then her conditioning is well and truly complete. If not, the conditioning will have to be repeated, in part, after a brief period of harsh training to prepare her mind before starting again.

Total training time

And if you’ve calculated the estimated time it takes to train and condition a kajira, you’ll have noted that the total is around 10 to 11 weeks, i.e. two and a half months. Which isn’t too much, after all. That said, often, with a girl who’s a bit fussy, it can take 4 months, or even 5! If a slave can’t be decently trained, she’s either sold as a tower or kettle girl for household chores, or as a paga girl in tavern brothels, and if nothing at all is achieved, she’s killed. And this is by no means hidden from the slave, which is bound to motivate many to fight to escape such fates!

3- Education

This section is primarily concerned with slaves from whom we hope to extract a high price, i.e. pleasure slaves. It’s for them that you’ll spend all your money on the staff and equipment needed to complete their training, in enclosed, luxurious pleasure cages and gardens, where the price of the girls who come out can reach dizzying heights.

But pleasure slaves and tower slaves are just functions. A barely matured girl can be exploited as a pleasure slave in a tavern, while a slave educated for years in the rules of the art can very well be employed as a maid slave and assistant to a scribe.

While tower slaves don’t need much more than conditioning, and will learn everything on the job, the fact is that if you can spare the time to educate them, you will. This is where the master’s taste and desires often come into play. Once he’s bought a girl, he’ll either train her in his own image, or have her educated by the slaves in his chain, or by a slaver in his entourage.

Sensitivity & sensuality

After 10 to 11 weeks of training and conditioning, the slave girl will continue to be sexually stimulated every day, generally throughout her training, so that she associates sexual pleasure with the reward for her obedience and docility, but also to keep her constantly aroused. The ultimate goal is total sexual disinhibition.

The slave will also be subjected to a certain amount of pain or physical constraint, free of charge, to exacerbate her physical and emotional sensitivity, and totally uninhibit her so that she is totally unable to contain her emotions and reactions. She will no longer be able to hide anything, having learned not to be able to hold back tears, sadness, pleasures and sorrows. So any man can read a slave’s open book simply by looking at her body, her face and her eyes. Even more than never lying, she can no longer hide anything. And above all, she no longer desires to. Of course, the slave girl can no longer do without sex, which becomes as necessary to her as eating or drinking. Once such training is complete, the slave girl will beg and do anything to get sex.

This stimulation can take from five to twelve hours a day. On this point, no rest will ever be given to the kajira, whose stimulation is ensured by the educator, assistant slaves, henchmen and the slaver himself. But it can also be even more intense, and form the core of her education. And, yes, in the novels, it’s clearly described some kajirae are so well trained, they can no longer cum without a man, or even more perversely, without permission. They are, of course, the most horny, panting and both debased and desired of the slave girls.

Tied up and blindfolded, in a difficult posture or in public, the slave girl is stimulated. These painful stimulations may be hard to bear, but are never comparable to the pain of physical punishment; sometimes they are even mixed with pleasure, depending on the whims and objectives of the slaver.

Goreans like sensitive, responsive girls, but they also like rough and sometimes cruel treatment and games. That’s why, on several occasions, the slave will be roughly raped, whipped or beaten, free of charge, to keep her aware that it could happen to her at any moment and that no reason is necessary.

There are so many references to BDSM in the novels that it’s stupid to say it doesn’t exist. It’s just the notion, the word, that Goreans don’t know: for them, it’s just playing with their slaves, and that’s normal. So when one Gorean calls another a sadist (and there are some), he’s talking about a man who takes pleasure in savagely torturing, mutilating and destroying a victim in such a horrible way that it shocks men who see no problem in mistreating or beating a slave for pleasure and without worrying about her opinion.

It’s at the end of her training, which has included manners and deportment, the arts and sexual pleasures, that a girl-slave of pleasures can be isolated in a cage of stimulation to perfect her senses, delicacy and shyness.

Stimulation cages are still uncommon; they are most often used by deluxe slavers, although a competent (and wealthy) owner who trains his own slaves can also own one.

* The stimulation cage: this is a comfortable, vast, low cage richly adorned with furs, fabrics, perfumes, trinkets, make-up, numerous sex toys, brushes and various jewels. The cage is luxurious, beautiful and pleasant, but it is exposed and open for all to see. Typically, in a luxury slaver’s house, these cages are displayed in the main hall or in a garden open to the public. The slave girl, always naked, cannot stand upright in the cage, which is never more than one meter sixty high (and the height can be adjusted), without having to lower her head considerably.

In the cage, she’s forbidden to speak or look up at anyone. There, a slave educator feeds her, initiates her into the most varied pleasures, and teaches her to use make-up, beauty products, combs, hair and body oils, perfumes, to enhance her beauty and give her a love of refinement and pomp, while accentuating her loneliness, isolation, and desire to be placed in the hands of a man and offered to him.

Generally, within four to twelve weeks, the slave’s shyness, desire and restraint turn her into a girl who is as gentle, shy and humble as she is passionate, fiery, beautiful and desirable, quivering at the slightest breath, whose body is totally and permanently awake.

Excerpts from the novels

“Her feelings were easily hurt, a valuable property in a slave. Nor could she control them, another excellent property of a slave. Her emotions, vulnerable, deep, exploitable in her expressions and on her face, betrayed her, exposing her to men and their amusement even more easily than if she’d been naked. They made her easier to control and enslave.”

(Page 103-104 – Gor tribes)

(…) These devices, incidentally, are sometimes used by slaves who hate their masters but whose bodies, trained for love, cannot withstand the absence of male caresses. These women, despite their hatred, sometimes offer larma, furious with themselves but powerless, prisoners of their slave desires, forced to beg on their knees for the caress of a rough master who enjoys the horror of their situation; will he satisfy them? If he will, yes; if he will not, no. These women are nothing but slaves.

(The Tribes of Gor)

The young slave’s excited sexuality is surely the strongest of the chains to which she is bound…” And you want more, don’t you?” he asked. “Yes, Master,” I replied, my eyes suddenly filling with tears. How helpless I was in the face of such men. “And desperately?” he said. “Yes, Master!” I cried. “Perhaps now you understand,” he said, “that slavery is not just about necklaces and chains.”

Page 251 – Gor dancer

The sensuality of women (slaves) is interesting for its globality. Their reaction is a whole, physical, emotional and intellectual. Men want sex; women are sexual desire.

Page 101 – Gor’s renegades

Maintenance, service & manners

A kajira doesn’t move like a sensual animal by magic. Throughout their education, both in specific courses lasting several hours and in the slightest of their actions during their training, slave-girls learn how to stand, walk, kneel and bow, as well as how to eat and drink. This highly codified and demanding apprenticeship has but one aim: to please, absolutely and totally, and of course to achieve perfection in bodily expression, beauty and devotion.

With this comes, of course, the art of serving! Serving a man, serving a woman, serving a table, knowing precedence, learning to apologize and beg if the guest being served is unhappy, learning to take a slap too, because that’s part of service!

Maintenance exercises, practically always provided by other slave girls, and these are necessarily one or more educators, can be torture and suffer no leniency. It is at this stage that we judge whether a slave girl will learn to move like a passionate, languid feline and hold her place in the service of the free, or will never know how to have more grace than a thalarion leaving the swamp.

Chores & cooking

That’s right, because even the most beautiful and arrogant pleasure slave has learned how to darn, scrub a chamber pot and scrub muddy boots. In fact, for the most educated slaves, this obligatory step consists in teaching them how to keep a house and their master’s belongings clean and, above all, how to cook.

Cooking is a very important part of training, and in general, it’s never neglected. Pleasing men also means pleasing their stomachs, and the art of cooking is as much about knowing how to cook everything as it is about knowing how to prepare dishes as works of art, as well as being able to make all kinds of delicious and exotic dishes. As this training alone can require a great deal of hard work, it is not always very advanced.

The arts

The arts include dancing, singing and music. It’s a time-consuming and costly training program, even for slave dancing, which is fundamentally quite simple even if codified, and is provided by trained girl-slave dance educators.

Slave dancing requires between one and four months of intensive training, several hours a day. Beyond the codifications of the dance, it is above all the perfection of her body expression and the total disinhibition of the dancer that takes time, as well as her physical training. The kajira must, on the one hand, be able to move her body in a lively and graceful way, and on the other, be able to dance on command for a long time. In short, you can’t train a dancer without putting in the time and effort.

For singing and music, it’s even more difficult and arduous, and can take several years. You can’t play music properly, even with intensive training, for several months, and the same goes for singing.

Sexual pleasures

And finally, there’s the subject of sexual pleasure and the services and codes that go with it. Here, we’re not talking about the slave’s pleasure, but that of the master she’s going to serve. All this training, if explained and dispensed by girl-slave educators, is provided through practical lessons and exercises by the slaver or his henchmen, more rarely by a kajiru intended solely for this purpose.

The kajira will learn the art of massage, bathing, caressing, relaxing and arousing, using her body, hands, mouth and all her orifices. She will also learn to endure the most rigorous assaults or the most brutal rapes, and to react to them in such a way as to find pleasure in them, or at least to be able to withstand them mentally without suffering. She will also be introduced to all the erotic and sexual games and toys of the goreans, and they have many; bondage being among the most common and preferred.

Training in sexual pleasures is easy enough, but it can take months of subtle training in caresses, kisses and massages. What can be learned very quickly can take months to perfect, during which the slave girl will be used very often.

It’s also worth noting that in this training, it’s perfectly possible to keep the slave silk white (virgin), simply by preventing her from being taken sexually, which poses no problems for the rest of her complete pleasure slave training. It’s rare, but it’s a whim that men are willing to pay fortunes for!

4- Conclusion

The general estimate is that once a slave has been trained and conditioned, which takes about two and a half months roughly, it takes another two months (about 8 weeks) for the most basic education.

A trained pleasure-slave girl will require at least six months of training and education.

For a pleasure-slave girl of luxurious quality, it will take a full year or two.

And beyond that, because it does exist, we’re talking about the education of the most expensive slaves, often reserved for breed slaves, moreover, and which will require 4 to 5 years to teach the slave girl all the arts and techniques, as well as intellectual and learned knowledge, with the aim of being able to please even the most demanding men.

It’s easy to understand why some slave prices soar, as we realize that it takes vast resources to train and educate pleasure slave girls. We also realize that slaves are often worth much more than a few copper coins, given the work required to train and educate them.

Role-playing tips

I realize that it’s a bit difficult to propose how to stage such a time-consuming and complex job on a role-playing setting and a Second Life sim. Having said that, the roleplay of training a slave is inherently complicated anyway; just ask the players who try out the role of slaver or educator slave-girl and manage to keep going, past their first, often very difficult experiences. Yes, in my opinion, these are the two most frustrating and complicated roles in Gorean roleplay.

But, let’s be honest, the full training experience of playing a slave girl is… phew… exciting, immersive, and beautiful when you’re surrounded by good players. So, because I love it, and because I think players who want to play a girl-slave would love it too, here are a few tips. I’ll give more in another article later.

To begin with, it’s important to remember that a slaver can’t work alone. He always has a henchman or two to watch over his merchandise, and slaves to look after and look after it. He’ll have a trained girl-slave educator, if he can afford one.

Advice to slavers and educators: in my experience, it’s not possible for a single slaver, to manage the training and education of more than three slave girls at a time. Because the players, behind their characters, want to play, to bring their story to life, and to have a good time and enjoy themselves. But that’s also the case for the slaver, who inevitably has a story he wants to bring to life. So, to devote a good amount of time to a training or educational role, you need to avoid more than three slave girls, and share the work with other slavers or educators. With good communication and a bit of organization, two or three slavers and one or two educators can manage a dozen girls in training.

It’s not easy to find players for these roles, but if you do, you might as well take them into account and embody them as NPCs. Various in-game tools, such as the excellent little HUD: ICOC Chat Repeater, allow you to embody these NPCs as emotes without having to create new avatars and accounts. And if you find a slave girl assistant or educator, you’re in for a real treat!

Everything to do with the first few weeks of conditioning can be played with an emphasis on moments of exchange and debate. In other words, parts of the first two weeks of this phase are not exciting to play, but rather before or after each day of intense effort.

A reminder to slave-owners and slavers: when you tie up, lock up or cage a girl, and then leave, if she has no one to RP, you’ve just taken her playtime hostage. If sometimes the circumstances of the roleplay or the context don’t leave much alternative, think carefully before making the decision and plan an alternative: for example, ask her in IM when she’s going to stop her play session, and put her in a cage at that moment, so that you can resume RPing with her, and avoid (as I’ve experienced) her spending a day or two waiting in vain for someone to RP with her.

After that, the rest of these weeks of conditioning offer more than enough opportunities for exchange and roleplay to fill them. But don’t hesitate to make the days go by! Time is relative and elastic in role-playing, and now is the time to exploit this advantage, in agreement with the players concerned, so as not to spend six weeks of RL time completing this phase.

And the same advice then applies to the different parts of education. Moreover, each kajira is educated according to what is expected of her, how she will serve, how she will be sold. Some things, like sensitivity and sensuality, posture and service, are a bit of a must, but again, this can be adapted and modified according to the wishes of the players concerned.

The most interesting thing is to give life to the background, the deep meaning of these roleplay plots, rather than to their form. For example, pleasure training, which includes a number of long and difficult apprenticeships, doesn’t need to be staged as anything other than a series of key scenes over the course of the training.

How do you explain everything to a kajira? If the player behind the character doesn’t know his role, or lacks culture on the subject, well, the best solution is to have him read my articles on Gor’s slave girls! That way, the player will have a good idea of her role and what she’s learning, and in game, all she has to do is return to the subject, which she’ll have been able to understand and interpret!

In short, don’t hesitate to explain things with literary parables (and FTB, fade to black). A week or two’s training can be summed up in one or two paragraphs, which, for example, open with a scene that will be played out live.

Fire up your imagination, and don’t forget: even more than in any role-playing moment, this one demands the utmost fair play and mutual, consensual respect from all participants. Don’t leave anything in this area to chance or uncertainty. You’ll soon regret it.

Don’t forget: just because training and education are harsh, cruel and ruthless in RP, it doesn’t mean that you have to be absolutely so, as a trainer; on the contrary. Kindness and gentleness are also very useful in creating a beautiful kajira. And in OOC, make sure you always respect the players’ limits, as long as these are consistent with such a context, which will go very far in immersion and emotions. Consensual agreement between all participants remains the key, and should never be overlooked or set aside.

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