How to dress a kajira -buying & shopping guide
So, how do you dress and equip your kajira when you take on the role in question on Gor? Well, we’re going to try and help you out, with a few stores and addresses to make your life a little easier.
Want to know more about the role? Read this article!
I’m by no means an expert on the subject, just a fashion-victim, I like to have beautiful avatars, within my means, so these are simple tips and suggestions to help you get started.
I do not accept any paid promotion on the Archives Goréennes. Therefore, this article has been written in a neutral and independent manner, without any form of sponsorship. Any form of complaint will therefore be ignored.
(photo: Dahlia, in dance outfit, thanking her)
1-Your kajira from scratch
I prefer to warn you, plan on a budget of around 10,000 to 12,000L$ to start with, to dress and equip yourself from scratch. By far the most expensive are the mesh body and mesh head: 5000L$ for the heads, and between 2000 and 5000L$ for the bodies. Skin and hair are quite expensive, but you can get by for 1000L$. If the simplest necklaces and postures can be found without breaking the bank, this won’t be the case for clothes, and you should expect to pay 600 to 800L$ to get started. And animated poses and other Animation Overrrides are expensive, from L$350 to L$1,500.
Mesh bodies
I’d advise you to go for Maitreya, with Lara and LaraX: it’s always the one for which there’s the most creation. Since the creation of the Back On Mesh system, it’s possible to wear SL’s old clothes on these bodies – and that makes life easier for you and the creators. Meshbody Legacy is great too, and by far my favorite body, I consider it the most beautiful and elegant, but Maitreya’s interface is clearly easier to use.
Mesh heads
There’s a lot to choose from, but personally, I’m mainly interested in two: the GENUS heads, for mature, racy faces, and the LeLUTLKA heads, which are particularly neat and varied, undoubtedly the most successful on SL, but which I don’t always find suitable for all avatar styles and ages.
There are far too many skins for my advice to make any sense, so I’m just going to recommend the ones I like, and we’ll start with two brands: DeeTaleZ and Velour. These are skins for mesh bodies, and they’re very varied, very well made and easy to use. Designers of skins for mesh heads often base their creations on these two brands. For heads, I’d also recommend DeeTaleZ, ,varied and realistic, ItGirls, at the same address as Velour but also Heaux, if you like a cuter, teenage or manga-inspired style.
The hair
For hair, there are a few big names, but I recommend 4 boutiques: Truth, Stealhic, Magika, and Monso. You should easily find what you’re looking for. A word of advice: kajirae from Gor generally have long hair, and very rarely tie it up, let alone put it in a bun.
2- Dressing your kajira
– A camisk, the everyday outfit; the latter can be poor or rich-looking, but its characteristic is to be short, even very short, also generally denuding the arms, even the back and the chest.
– A silk outfit: dance silks are a very bare, diaphanous, ceremonial outfit, made to be worn at parties, big events, etc., and in general, this is the outfit you’ll wear to dance and entertain the Libres.
– A slave collar: the simplest of all is the Turian collar, a simple steel ring with a buckle at the front; but there are many shapes and models. The beauty of this type of collar is that it’s generally used for huds (Opencollar type), animations and other slave options.
– Animations and kajira postures: as I’ve just said, necklaces often come with animations, but you can’t always find what you’re looking for. Fortunately, there are a few animation huds and animations sold individually or in sets.
– A slave mark: the thigh slave mark, which comes sooner or later. With BOMs (back on mesh), it’s now easy to find them.
1- Camisks & silks
So, my favorite reasonably priced boutique is On A Lark, which makes Gor-themed clothing, jewelry and accessories for slaves, bonds and free women, with a few welcome stylistic liberties and a very wide selection. It’s also one of the boutiques that offers weekly specials, with clothing on sale for L$25 or L$30… enough to brighten up your wardrobe without breaking the bank.
Mansken is a boutique that started out specializing in Nordic gorean clothing, but now offers a wide variety of choices, and for never too much money. It’s also one of those boutiques that offers weekly deals and promos. I really recommend it!
More classic in the outfits, and offering a very wide choice of camisks, silks and accessories, I also recommend Chained heat. I have very little from them, but if you’re looking for flexi dance silks, which are much more beautiful for this kind of event, and you’re on a tight budget, I recommend this boutique.
And finally, Rapture’s Enchantment, because it offers a wide range of outfits for Kajira, and lots of practical accessories for playing her character!
Dance silks
I’ll start by recommending one of the most beautiful outfits, but with a price to match: Beyond the Mists. The only problem is that the store on SL has closed, leaving only the marketplace, although it’s still possible to test the demos.
And the other boutique offering some of the finest silks in all of Second Life is Caverna Obscura. And it’s splendid! You’ll also find a wide variety of other outfits, some camisks and accessories, but beauty and quality come at a price, so be warned. The store isn’t necessarily very well organized, but it’s easy to find your way around.
Finally, there’s Soedara, which closed a handful of years ago, but whose markeplace store offers a wealth of gems to be snapped up, with plenty of demos to try out. Frankly, go for it, realizing that it will never be updated again.
2- The slave collar
To find a slave collar, you’ll quickly learn about Opencollar, the scripted tool that makes a collar the center of various animations and tools for staging various scenes and roles when playing a slave. For this, I recommend you visit Opencollar Headquarters, where you’ll find collars, tools and explanations, free of charge.
For some time now, there’s been a new script format for slave necklaces and accessories, Silenced Whim, which is very successful, and offers lots of options. I’m annoyed with it (I can’t seem to use it properly), but it deserves to be here and for you to give it a chance, especially as it’s very complete and many stores create items with these scripts.
When it comes to choosing a beautiful Opencollar scripted necklace, the best-known and most highly recommended store is RealEvil Industries, which not only offers lots of superb jewelry, but also some beautiful, high-quality scripted necklaces, even if their price is also commensurate with this quality.
Offering not just necklaces, but a whole host of clothing and accessories of all kinds, The Forge features scripted slave necklaces with highly realistic textures and shapes! Well, you’re liable to break your piggy bank, but…
Finally, my little darling, who offers superb Opencollar necklaces, adaptable, with leather effects and textures, refined and superb, well scripted. But apparently, there’s no more store on SL: (яed)Mint!
3- Animations & AO
We’ll try to focus on the “don’t spend too much” proposition. If you’ve bought an Opencollar, the slave postures used in JDR on Gor are surely included, either in simple or animated versions. But it’s possible to buy them, or even AOs and HUDs made for them.
The Hud for accessing your necklace’s Opencollar menu is sold on the marketplace, here, I recommend it, it changes your life.
For pretty AO female animation at a reasonable price to play your kajira, I recommend Kuso – Oracul Animation. There’s a very good selection and it’s not too expensive. On the other hand, I couldn’t find a store anywhere on the marketplace.
A little more expensive, but reasonable, and very pretty too, the AOs from Tuty’s MOCAP animations, which I recommend!
And for slave postures via a hud, I offer you the only good quality choice left (there are many of these huds on the marketplace, but of questionable quality at best, usually horrible)
Mythril~ Submission HUD 2023 is expensive, but sophisticated… it allows finer controls over your postures, your positions and these are animated:
Last but not least, if you’re looking for beautifully crafted individual animations, I heartily recommend Sylva’s Animations. Don’t be intimidated by the bazaar-like nature of the SL boutique, which is clearly signposted.
4- Slave brand
With BOMs, you can finally put a tattoo on your mesh body without going through the technical complications. It’s on this advantage that I base my own store on the marketplace, The Gorean Archives, which I recommend to you, of course! And if you’d like to visit the store in SL, follow this link!
Otherwise, among those available, the only brands I’ve found beautiful and convincing are from The Bondmaid boutique. It’s pretty and very well made, I recommend it.
I hope this little buying guide will make your life easier. You’ll see that you’ll have to do a lot of searching to find what you’re looking for, but you should find everything you need at these addresses and stores.