Psychee's Gorean Archives
EnglishSlaves-girls of Gor

Gor’s slave-girls, principles & game guide

(thanks to Lanah Moore for help with this document)

This long document – yes, it’s hard to make it short – should allow you to understand in a synthetic way everything that a Gorean, master or slave, should know about the slaves of Gor. But also and above all, for players: how to play them, how to interact with them, how to play a slave character. Because contrary to popular belief, this is not an easy role to play.

If you want to support me, I’ve got a little gorean brand and art store in Second Life, and you can even make a donation to encourage me, with a tip jar on the spot. A huge thank you and all my gratitude, in advance! SLURL: http: //

Marketplace :

1- Introduction

Forget the references to Roman slaves, or to the slave trade or to the slaves of your fantasy series! Slaves in the world of Gor are very specific and the concept is pushed very far in the idea of enslavement by its abject and inhuman aspects. Paradoxically, and I would often make the analogy, for the gorean, slaves are pets, which are quite comparable to pet dogs and are treated, trained and considered as such. Keep this in mind for the future.

The term Kajira means slave. When a slave says this ritual phrase: “La Kajira”, in Gorean, she is just saying: “I am a slave”. Vala… no difference between the two words, even if on Second Life, some players imagine a kind of categorization between the slave and the real slave (the one who has a real slave heart), the second one only would be kajira. Well, no. It’s like bondmaid in the Torvaldsland language: it just means slave. Of course there are cultural differences between a Tahari slave, a Chariot slave, a Torvaldsland slave and an Ar slave, but they are just words that mean the same thing.

We are in a role-playing game here, which includes the fact that it is a way of playing and that your character, even if he or she resembles you at times, remains a fictional character. Remember now to make the distinction between role-playing (the RP, and the role your character plays) and OOC (you the player, in front of your computer). This is an important reminder, because the harshness of Gor’s world, and its implication, often makes this notion slip to blurred boundaries. Especially when you play a Kajira, which induces a very difficult relationship to interpret between her state. The slave is not a free being, she is a property, a woman treated and considered as an animal, even as furniture, and owned by someone, legally in the world of Gor, and her relationships to the rest of the people she meets on Gor.

In this guide, we will discuss in more detail the safety and caution tips for playing a Kajira.

Excerpt from the novels

I looked at the incredibly beautiful girl in the mirror. She was adorned in a red silk rope, made up, perfumed, vulnerable, soft, with bracelets on her arms, and golden beads intertwined in her turian necklace.

– “She is beautiful,” I murmured. Sucha had helped me a lot.

– “Pretty good for a peddler’s daughter,” smiles Sucha.

– “I’m scared,” I said.

– “Don’t be afraid,” said Sucha.

– “What are my duties?” I asked.

– “Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience,” said Sucha.

I looked at the girl in the mirror. I remembered the words of Thurnus. “Your place is at the feet of men,” he had said. I looked at the girl in the mirror. Her ankles were adorned with bells. She was beautiful. She was a slave girl wearing a collar, silks and perfumes. She was very beautiful. I had no doubt that she belonged at the feet of men. She was a slave. She was me.

– “Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience,” says Sucha.

– “Yes, Mistress,” I replied.

Slave-girl of Gor

2- the creation of a kajira

A slave of Gor is the result of training and education that leaves her no choice. A slave serves and obeys obediently, or she will die. Despite the harshness of the concept, and the cruelty of the facts and methods, the idea that drives it is not cruel (well, in Gor’s world according to his vision, see below).

Goreans are rarely sadistic. But slavery has existed on Gor for thousands of years. Men think it is part of the natural order of things, and even Free women are conditioned to accept it and understand that they are submissive, and that they may one day end up as slaves. Every Free woman learns at least a little of what she must do if she is captured, to surrender herself as a slave. It is better after all to live as a slave than to die.

Note on the notion of sadism and harshness

The sadism, violence and harshness of the treatment of slaves, the novels are full of counter-examples to this principle. The fact is that Goreans love children who are sacred and must not be brutalized, that they respect Free Women who cannot be touched without serious consequences, and that they do not hesitate to say that they cherish their slaves, because they are the only women they can love (with love) freely and without hindrance. But a slave, for a gorean, is meant to be used, abused, beaten or raped, it is in the norms. Some will not, others will, since they have the right to do so, and we realize that immediately, it is neither sweet nor romantic. Some examples below:

Extracts from the novels

“Blind, her head covered with a hood, she flew into the arms of the young blonde giant. With a cry of joy, he grabbed her and threw her into the grass, trapped beneath him. He had been able to catch her.

The referee shouted a word, which I would later learn was “Capture,” and hit the man on the shoulder. The others backed off. Then, to my horror, I saw Eta, still hooded and bound, raped just then, in the grass.

When the young man had finished with her, he stood up and untied the hood from his head, throwing it to the side. The men shouted, shouted and hit him on the back. He smiled. He had won. He returned home. Money was exchanged. Eta collapsed on his side in the grass.

In a few moments, the referee had returned to her and, by the arms, had thrown her back on her feet. She stood, staggering, trembling, the movement of her body shaking the bells.

Again he called the word I would later learn: “Capture!”, and again he set her in motion with the electric prod. Once again, the men hunted her down. Second place was at stake. She didn’t run as well this time, but, perhaps because this time there were only four chasers, she was on the whole outstanding. In two or three minutes she was again abducted, and to my horror was, with pleasure and ruthlessness, again subjected to the indignity of the taken female, her second captor greedily forcing her, with a boldness and ardor scarcely inferior to that of the first.

How I felt sorry for her, and how I secretly envied her. I watched as third place and fourth place were won. The fifth man, after removing his hood, was the target of much laughter and outbursts of good humor. He, the loser, had not earned the right to revive the disproven beauty.

Slave-girl of Gor

Across the room, I saw the one who had been Lady Rowena of Lydius, her arms, her wrists still bound by her own hair, around the sailor’s neck. Her hands were held by another of them. Her lips were pressed fervently against his. He tossed her onto the tile floor beside his table.


I heard gasps and screams from across the room, the drop of a cup, and bodies gasping. The former Lady Rowena of Lydius no longer had her hands bound, but they were now held above her head, each wrist in the hands of a different man. She was on her back, thrown onto one of the low tables.


A new girl, Susan, was dancing now. The one who had been Lady Rowena of Lydius stood on her stomach on a table, soaked in tears, clutching her side, teeth clenched. Tula, the dancer, was now also being passed from man to man. Some of the other girls, too, were now being used wildly by the masters. Others of them were licking and kissing each other, whispering in their ears, begging for attention.

Players of Gor

” – “Nonsense,” he says: “She’s just a slave.”

– “Maybe Samos has found a love slave,” I said.

– “An earthling?” exclaimed Samos with a laugh.

– Maybe,” I said.

– “It doesn’t matter,” said Samos. “She is only a slave, a thing to be served, beaten and abused, if it pleases me.”

Explorers of Gor”.

Training in a nutshell

No man wants an unhappy, crazy, dangerous, or uncontrollable slave. The captive slave-to-be is therefore usually broken, subdued, conditioned, to accept her role. Once this is done, only then will she be educated to know how to serve and please. No gorean, particularly likes to kill a slave. Everything will be done, even the hardest way possible, to make her accept her condition totally and obediently. Thus, life will be softer for her; everything is relative, but in the violent world of Gor, this remains a reality. A Kajira educated will sometimes have been in a House of Slaves, her education entirely given by a cultured slave whose role it is, who is called Educator.

“A Master trains, an Educator educates”. If it is the master who is going to condition the slave to accept her new state, that of a woman possessed, animalized, subjected to men, property dedicated to please and serve; the artifices of service, of the household, of the dances, of the songs, of the massages, of the kisses, of the culture that the slave must know, will be given by another slave.

2- Playing a kajira

The basic principles of the role in some way with general explanations.

“Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience”

A kajira once trained, conditioned to fully accept her role and nature as an animalized and more or less educated woman learns this sentence, which summarizes her duties.

The first is to always please, always be perfect in her appearance, her look, her gestures, her diction, her manners and thus arouse desire, but not only; beauty is a spectacle and a Kajira must always be beautiful, in every possible way. In theory, she has no right to any slackening or excuse in this respect. In practice, there are still slaves from whom beauty is not expected: kitchen or workshop girls, even paga slaves, are neither in a setting nor in a situation where it is required. But that said, even they know this duty and try to meet it.

The second is absolute obedience: a slave has been conditioned to obey instructions, postures, simple orders, repeated over and over again, with punishments for each failure, for the slightest hesitation. A slave’s life is made up of obedience, even to the most unjust, cruel, degrading or ignoble orders. In any case, she has little choice: disobeying an order, or even simply hesitating, is an excellent way to suffer the whip cruelly, or sometimes worse.

Serve everyone, always to the best of your ability

A slave must serve all Free men in the same way and with the same devotion; that is her role; she belongs to a Master who owns her and whose property she is, the object. But she serves all masters with the greatest possible devotion, and will try to please them, whoever they may be.

Obviously, the orders of his Master remain his priority, but that is where it ends. It is important to know that the master will be all the more honored to hear that his slave has served one of his brothers or neighbors with devotion in any service, from paga, to baths, or furs (one of the terms used to sexually use a slave). The slave has no honor that is recognized to him, but constantly represents her owner and must be blameless, because the honor of her master is at stake. Not serving with devotion, even an enemy who would have abducted the slave to hold her, can earn her a terrible punishment from her owner, if he considers his honor violated.

A slave owns nothing

A slave is a commodity; she can be sold or loaned at any time by the owner. She represents a market value because of her body, her beauty, and her education. This is why she must be taken care of, maintained and looked after and, in any case, any master watches over the health, weight and appearance of his slave, as one would do with a show dog.

The slave’s body is only an object; it is a pomp and circumstance that no longer belongs to her; she is no more allowed to tattoo herself than to cut her hair without her owner’s order or consent. And if she voluntarily mutilates herself, she damages her master’s property and can expect to be severely punished.

A slave owns nothing: not her name, not her life, not even her history. Once a slave is adorned with a new collar, which at that moment ritualizes and confirms that she is owned by a new master, everything she has experienced before no longer exists. “The collar erases the past. While this may seem cruel, the other consequence is that a woman condemned to bondage also has any crimes and faults she may have committed before wiped out for her new life; the slate is then clean. This can be a great good, if she has been condemned to temporary bondage.

A captured slave, offered or sold, sees all that she wears on her, or holds, will belong to her new master. Most of the time, she is therefore totally stripped, and it is not rare that she will not see her jewels and accessories again, even if she was terribly attached to them. Or she will have to show a lot of devotion and effort to make the master bend to his whim to be able to find them.

An example of the complex principles that make a slave an object, a commodity.

Extracts from the novels

“Theft, or capture, if you prefer, gives you rights over me. I belong to and must fully serve anyone to whom I have come into actual possession, even if it was a theft. The original Master, of course, has the right to reclaim his property, which technically remains his for a week. But if I were to flee from the thief, after he had consolidated his hold on me, for example, by keeping me even for one night, I could, in fact in Gorean law, be considered a runaway slave, even if he did not yet technically own me, and punished accordingly. By analogy, animals are not allowed to run away from the ties on their necks, or from the pens in which they are confined; money must retain its value and purchasing power, no matter who has it in hand, and so on. Such restrictions do not apply to free people, such as free women. The free woman has the right to attempt to escape from her captor, as best she can, and without penalty, even after the first night in her bonds, if she still chooses to do so. If she is enslaved, of course, she is subject to the same customs, practices and laws as any other slave.

Dancer of Gor “

A slave is an animalized woman

This idea is strange, but when a gorean speaks of Free Women, he always joins the two words together, because Woman, in the mind of goreans, can only be a slave. The “true woman” is possessed, in body, mind and soul. She is feminine, sensual, emotional, and easily capricious. She desires men with all her being and lives in the wish to be taken by them, and give herself to them with all her body. And she cannot hide anything, her emotions, desires, secret thoughts and fantasies. The true woman according to the goreans can only be a slave, because she has abandoned all the pride, and the taboos and inhibitions of the Free Women, often and rightly considered as cold and frigid by the goreans.

Extracts from the novels

You are a slave,” I explained. You are possessed. You are a female. You will be forced to be a woman. If you were free and Gorean, the men would allow you to remain as you are, but you are neither Gorean nor free. The Goreans will not accept any compromise on your femininity, not from a slave. You will be what they want you to be, a woman, entirely, and their property. If necessary, they will whip you or let you starve. You can fight against your master. He will let you do it, if he feels like it, to prolong the pleasure of your conquest, but in the end, you will remain the slave; and you will lose. On Earth, you had a society behind you, the result of many centuries of feminization; when a man simply dared to speak harshly to you, you could run away or call the magistrates; here, however, it is not you that society supports, but him; it will take into account his will, because you are only a slave; you will not be able to run away or call for help; you will be alone with him, and at his mercy. Moreover, they are not conditioned to fight against their instincts, to feel guilty, to hate themselves; they have learned pride and, in the very air they breathe, the domination of women. These men are different. They are not earthlings. They are Goreans. They are strong, they are tough and they will conquer you. With the men of Earth, you might never be a woman. With the men of Gor, I assure you that sooner or later you will be one.

(The Tribes of Gor)”

Fidelity as well as nudity are not the same on Gor as on Earth. In fact, they have absolutely no reason to exist for slaves who are only animals, possessions, goods dedicated to pleasure and to be used as they please by whoever wants to. And a Gorean master would lose face if he treated his slave with the same requirement of jealousy and modesty as he would with a free woman. One does not treat his dog like his wife, after all? And we don’t dress dogs out of modesty of their nudity, on Earth.

A kajira is faithful to her Master by never lying to him, by honoring him, by serving, by pleasing (both him and the other freemen) by respecting her body and appearance for him. But not sexually. The relationship to sex is not the same here, there is no notion of fidelity but simply a notion of utility and pleasure. A gorean is on the one hand not modest in general, and on the other hand does not have any gene to use sexually a slave if the occasion arises. She is there for that, to please him, to desire him, to satisfy him – and even if she doesn’t want to, the very idea that she would want to shy away is absurd for a gorean, and she risks getting hurt if she did. You don’t ask a utilitarian property for its opinion.

Only free women have to maintain great modesty to differentiate themselves from slaves, which explains their reputation for coldness and frigidity. A free woman will not let any man touch her, or even brush against her, and she will never smile or respond to a compliment on her appearance to a free man. That would be tempting the devil. Only slaves like compliments and show it. A Free Woman who blushes at a compliment may very well find herself enslaved on the spot. For it is a slave trait, and she would then have proved that she is therefore a slave at heart, no one would object.

It is a common mark of hospitality to offer a slave to a guest for the night. The restriction of sexual use is therefore a standard employed for OOC constraints and respect for players’ boundaries. Some players may not want to end up sleeping with just anyone. You may indeed restrict your slave, but this is not a Gorean custom at all; on the contrary, a restricted slave is often considered either a punished slave or a slave that her Master deems to be sexually unsuitable.

The slave can also be a virgin (white silk is said of slaves on Gor). Most goreans respect the rule that the master will deflower his white silk slave. But not all. If you really want a slave not to be used sexually, make her wear a chastity belt, it is a common tool on Gor.

Any free person can punish a slave

Absolutely any free man or woman can punish a slave, when he wishes, and as he wishes, as long as he does not damage her, i.e. does not leave any wounds or mutilations; if the free man or woman does damage her, he will have to pay a compensation to her owner, nothing more….

This will usually only rarely result in a war or vendetta. She is only a slave, even if her master cherished her. At worst a duel may be demanded for matters of honor, but not for Kajira herself, or at least not by claiming it. Exceptions to this principle are not uncommon, however, and Norman himself quotes: “Many a war has been fought over the eyes and beauty of a slave” and insists that Goreans can fall deeply in love with their beloved and precious slave.

Unless the slave is too badly damaged, or has been killed or mutilated for no good or tolerable reason, no dispute will take place, as the honor of the owner might suffer. By tradition, a Gorean is careful not to consider a slave. Even if he feels strongly about it, he will not show it too publicly.

It should be noted-and this is indeed quite cruel-that a Free person, for whatever reason, may abuse or use a slave as he wishes, including brutalizing or punishing her for fun or envy. That is his right. A slave is there for that purpose, too, though cruelty and sadism are (in theory) not common among goreans.

Extracts from the novels

“Any free man may discipline an insolent or erring slave,” I say, “even one who is the least disagreeable, If he merely has the desire to discipline her. If she is then killed or injured, he need only pay compensation to her master, and that only if the latter can be found within a specified time and demands such compensation.”

Under these customs and statutes, the perfect discipline under which the Gorean slaves are kept is maintained and guaranteed even when they are not under the direct control of their masters or their appointed agents.

Players of Gor

“You can’t punish me!” she shouted. “You are not my masters!”

“Any free person can punish an errant slave,” I said. “Don’t you think her behavior is not subject to deserved supervision and correction, as soon as she is out of her Master’s sight?”

Magicians of Gor

3- the slave of Gor is not the submissive of the BDSM world

We are not in a BDSM universe; the slave and the submissive are two totally different things; note that I do not criticize in any way, I would be misplaced, and that sometimes, especially for the awakening of the senses, the relationships between master and kajira and master and submissive of the BDSM world are close.  But they are for the role two different worlds:

The submissive is a woman subjected of her own will to ONE master whom she has chosen, and to whom she has decided to give full power; she can, at any moment, stop everything and withdraw from her master the power she has given him. The master and the submissive adapt their games and their rules together; she owes respect, but not obedience to the other dominants. And everything can stop when she wants it to. All she has to do is say “no”.

The slave is a property, an animal, a possession, forcibly subjugated and without any choice but death, by a constraint of the world in which she lives, by her nature as a weaker woman in a world of men that takes slavery for granted, and the slave state of women for granted; it is simply the power relationship that prevails. The kajira does not choose her master and does not choose to leave him or not; she simply has no rights. She can be given away, sold, lent, stolen, damaged, killed, and nothing is under her control: she has no choice but to try to serve, obey, and please, in order to stay alive and improve her lot.

Of course, all of this is RP speaking. We respect the OOC limits of the player who plays the kajira, and we handle conflict cases in OOC. But in RP, a kajira who refuses to obey, be docile, or demand a right, will only reap pain, suffering, and death.

The kajira must therefore serve all masters in the same way, knowing that she does not decide who owns her. She simply has to do her part and keep her place; several types of slaves exist and are educated to become that… They can obviously become attached to their master more than to another, and even, the master encourages, even by force, this attachment and this precious dependence. But in no case the slave can make a difference on a service to one master compared to another, whoever it is.

The master in Gor owes absolutely nothing to his slave, she is his thing, just like his bow, his sword, his cattle… Therefore, the slave has no right to expect anything from him; only his efforts to make himself desirable will be rewarded; therefore everything that a Master gives to his slave like silks, caresses… must be taken as an important gift and not as a due. It is important to understand that in the Gorean mind, the slave is no longer human. She is a domesticated, utilitarian and possessed animal.

The kajira on the other hand, like a BDSM submissive, cannot and must not hide anything. No lies, no modesty, no hiding or concealment will be allowed. It is quite common that the master makes his slave pose naked in front of him, to ask her to deliver her slightest erotic desires and fantasies, or, if the slave knows how to write, to make her write, naked, and tell in detail her most secret desires, her erotic dreams, her desires, her fantasies, her needs. The master does not have to take this into account, unlike in BDSM. But gorean masters like to know everything about their slave, simply because this way, they have the tools to assert even more their hold on their possession, and use it even more freely and with even more pleasure and amusement, as they know everything about it to exploit it.

Excerpt from the novels

“It is not uncommon for masters to pride themselves on the depth with which they know their slave girls; this depth is, in my opinion, much greater than that with which the average husband on earth knows his wife; the slave girl is not merely someone with whom the man lives; she is very special to him; she is a precious possession; he owns her; he wants to know, deeply and profoundly, the history, the mind, the intelligence, the appetite, the nature, and the dispositions of his beautiful object;”

“For example, it is common for a master to force his girl to talk to him at length and in detail about the secret facets of her nature, explaining and developing her fantasies; if she is literate, she may be forced, naked, dressed only in her collar, on her knees at a small table, sometimes with her ankles handcuffed, to write them down ; This provides the master, of course, with abundant material which he can use to make her more submissive and more powerless; sometimes the girl tries to deceive the master; it is not difficult to detect inauthenticity in this matter; she is then beaten; she may also sometimes be ordered to invent fantasies, sometimes of a certain type; These intellectual and emotional exercises, performed by the girl under conditions of slavery, especially if combined with a forced exercise regimen, poses under male supervision, and so on, can do much to make her aware of her collar; they awaken her body and, of equal importance to the Gorean, but not to the Terran, who sees sex with the perception of a hippo, as a matter of body rubbing, open up her fantasy imagination and her mind; she soon becomes curious about what she is, a mere article of her master, or a deeper implication? The slave lives a paradox of freedom; the free woman is physically free, but miserable, fighting to be what she is not; the slave girl, physically in bondage, even with her collar, sometimes her chains, has no choice but to be totally and precisely what she is, the slave; It is interesting to note that these women, the slaves, are almost always joyful and lively ; they are, paradoxically, liberated in their feelings and emotions; they are not pinched, nor psychologically restrained; I don’t know why; to see these women, their heads held high, their eyes shining, their bodies, their movements, beautiful in a way that no earthly woman would dare to be, is quite pleasant.”

Tribes of Gor – Page 42

Last common point between the kajira and the BDSM submissive, the education of a slave, and her conditioning, goes through a state of satisfaction and search for intense sexual pleasure. And in this field, the goreans are imaginative, and this conditioning, which takes time, will be pushed very far, very long, until exceeding all that a BDSM submissive could live -we are in a world of fiction- because she will become as dependent on it, as is a living being to eat, and drink. To do so, and for fun and pleasure, the goreans have as many paraphernalia, toys, jewels, and techniques as the BDSM practitioners have.

And finally, the last big difference between BDSM and gorean bondage: we don’t test the submission, the will, the devotion of a slave by play. This one is imposed to her, roughly, and she is forced to be so by all possible means. It is not tested whether she will renew her submission to her master, it is not tested her capacity to accept voluntarily the worst degradations. We do not test her state of slavery. It is imposed on her, she is mercilessly reminded of it, but it is not tested whether she will do it on her own and of her own free will. A slave has no choice, and that would be giving her one.

4- Kajirae in Gor

There are not so many slaves as that on Gor and most of them are not captives, but either female products of breeding, as nowadays dogs are bred, or children sold young by parents too poor to raise them. This happens even in the High Castes. Being from a High Caste does not guarantee, far from it, to be rich.

If in Norman’s books, one sees many slaves – and a few free women who often end up with a necklace – there are few of them. Between 2 and 3% in the small communities, and up to 20% in Ar or Port-Schendi, which break all records. There are many abductions of Earth women (there are 7 billion on Earth, some disappear, it happens all the time), but they are ultimately rare; we can consider that two to three out of four will die from the mistreatment that the goreans inflict on an Earth woman, who is more fragile and freedom-loving than a gorean, often too much to endure the enslavement. A general estimate is that there are about 5000 Earth-born slaves on Gor. This is not a lot.

In comparison, there are also relatively few male slaves. Male children are never sold in a family. Most of them are prisoners of war, a few are Kajirii (a kajirus, kajirii) of breeding, with a pedigree, dedicated to breeding in the breeding farms of the Slave Houses, or as male pleasure slaves.

And, no, kajirii do not kneel with their thighs spread and their dick in the air; a kajirus never bows on his knees, nor does he wait on his knees, but stands straight and wisely to the left of his master/mistress. It never touches a kajira (except on order), even less in the fur, under penalty of death. In general, a kajirus of pleasure will be rather thin and small compared to a big and strong gorrean, but this is not a general rule. Kajiriis are even more degraded and considered inferior than the kajirae. For they are men who do not even have the courage to kill themselves rather than endure their enslavement. The kajirae most often despise them, but also fear them. A common cruel punishment for a slave who has been reluctant to serve a master well sexually is to throw her into the cage of the kajirii… and there is no need to describe what she will endure.

To reiterate the obvious, NO man on Gor, EVER, questions slavery, and the nature of the woman who exists only as a slave. He may question the nature of the violence done to slaves, the harshness to Free Women, he may not like certain treatments, but to question slavery is as nonsensical for him, as it is for us to question the very essence of our democratic rights and freedoms, or the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun: It is simply nonsense.

A widespread belief says that only the woman who has been enslaved knows what total freedom is. A paradox difficult to grasp and almost revolting; but rid of the shackles of her free nature, pride, coldness, honor, rigidity, hatred and savagery, the female prisoner of her role becomes a woman free of her femininity, a domesticated and servile animal, pleasant and available, in whose only pleasure and happiness is to please and obey, in every possible way.

Yes, one might say that it is to justify oneself. No doubt. But a gorean thinks so. And he universally makes sure that the slave also ends up believing it to the depths of her soul.

5- Slaves of pleasure, and of tower

There are two main types of kajirae: tower slaves, and pleasure slaves.
This defines two things: their function, and their education. But a highly educated pleasure slave may very well end up as a tower slave, condemned to mop the floor and cook. She serves, and obeys, so we do with her what we want, even if she is not adapted to it at first.

The tower slave serves with her thighs closed: she is the domestic slave, who does the tasks and chores of the house, whether we are talking about a powerful merchant’s estate, or the chores of a rustic farm.
The pleasure slave serves open thighs: she serves the pleasure of men, and has sometimes been educated specifically for that, sexually and artistically. A tavern slave, for example, serves with her thighs open because her sexual use is usually included in the price of the drink.

When a slave is not intended to serve sexually (a pleasure slave serving a Free Woman, for example) she closes her thighs. In general, she will close her thighs in front of women, but depending on the upbringing, the place, and her master she may remain thigh open even in front of a woman, because men are present and their presence prevails. It is not systematic.

Afterwards, there are a lot of slaves who, starting from these two types, are destined to various functions, according to their qualities, or the whims of their master.

Excerpt from the novels

“- There are the Tavern Slaves,” I explained, “who must give pleasure to their master’s customers. There are the women who work in the kitchens and public laundries. There are the Hire Slaves, who can be hired out to anyone, for any purpose, except injury and mutilation, unless compensation is paid to the master. There are the state slaves who maintain public buildings and work in offices and warehouses. There are the women of the peasant villages, and the women of the large farms who cook and carry water to the slave teams. There are those who are bought for the Pleasure Gardens of rich men. There are other women who work in the factories, chained to their looms.”

(The monsters of Gor)

Norman had a knack for describing a world that, if you read it as it was, would be teeming with slaves who not worth much. Make no mistake, this idea is relatively false, and only applies to the two or three largest cities in Gor, and even then. However, one can understand the idea that slaves are used in many functions. One thing, however, is that if you can find male and female slaves, it’s not very common. And slaves are not allowed to create or do crafts, in general. That is a Free act and a Free job. But if a slave has the opportunity and the chance to show great artistic talent, her master won’t hesitate to show his pride. And she may have earned a ticket to freedom, although don’t count on it.

So much for a first introduction to the role of the slave in the world of Gor, and the first guides on how to play it. To keep you informed, and whether you’re playing as a slave or a free player, the next part will cover : Slave rules



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