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Gor SL is not dead, I checked! (part 2)

Here’s the continuation of my quick tour of currently active Gorean sims, i.e. those averaging over 10,000 in traffic, more or less. You’ll find the first part at this link. Please note that I’m not promoting these sims, I’m simply presenting them and giving my opinion based on my own criteria.

Would you like me to talk about your sim one of these days? Why not. Invite me to visit it, tell me what you think its added value is, and I’ll give my opinion. But my opinion remains personal: I only advertise for people I like, because I want to, and only for that, and I refuse to be paid for advertising (it’s already been offered to me).

Port Egeria (15167)

Italian sim, the rules are not offered in English. Nothing to say about the rules, they’re classic, and I don’t find them particularly inclusive, and too vague. The sim’s scenery isn’t incredible, but it’s nice. I note the presence of many NPCs. And Port Egeria offers, in addition to its small town, a village, which I find prettier than the town, and a forest.

Noddfa Village (13761)

The sim is in soft opening, which probably explains why I couldn’t find the group rules. So there’s nothing I can say, except that the sim is quite pretty, but probably overloaded with scripts, because it lags…

Nothern Forest & Laurius River (11671)

Sim dedicated to panthers, and the first of its kind in my visits. The welcome area was a bit confusing (where do you TP?), but in the end it’s well done and welcoming. The rules cover raiding and roleplay combat as well as openness and inclusion. Good points! And if you like forests, the scenery is very beautiful, if slightly overcrowded. We’re clearly in a large forest dotted with sunken lanes. And very little lag.

Geela island (9001)

This is the first sim of all my visits that I really don’t recommend. Reading the rules left a bitter taste in my mouth: they include a lot of onlinisms considered as immutable gorean realities, applied in an authoritarian way. And any notion of open-mindedness and inclusiveness is forgotten. The sim’s decoration isn’t very attractive either, and I can’t understand the sand and palm tree mix with drab medieval European buildings. But at least it doesn’t lag.

Conclusion :

There are still other sims with traffic at 7,000 to 5,000, so Gor isn’t dead. Second Life is losing users, but we’re far from seeing the demise of the genre, which is doing well, and is concentrated in certain sims, but still offers plenty of options to find what you’re looking for. So visit, explore, create exchanges and interactions, and have fun!

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