Psychee's Gorean Archives

Discover Imperial Ar III

I’ve already talked about it in French on my blog, but I’m playing on the Gorean sim Imperial Ar III, which is of course recruiting: there’s a shortage of slavers, and the city is trying to replenish its pool of Palace guards and military officers. So come and visit us, and you can contact me if you like (psychee.soulstar).

Imperial Ar III is a Gorean roleplay sim set in Ar, Gor’s largest city. Well, precisely two of its districts, plus the imperial palace, as well as a slave complex and a small Pani (Asian) district because… well, because reasons!

This is a sim that wants to be BtB, but doesn’t claim to be, and for good reason. As the sim’s managers explain, this is the 21st century, and the context of Norman’s novels isn’t very inclusive. But Imperial Ar is inclusive, even in RP, which is a rule of the sim: no one is going to judge you for your gender and sexual preferences (on pain of getting fired), and as long as you respect the principles of Gor’s world, that it shows in-game isn’t a concern either.

This idea of inclusiveness and open-mindedness is a bit like the Golden Rule of the sim: Ar does use the ZcS meter, but for the economic side, the dice rolls and for tags. The meter’s FPS-style weapon combat is prohibited (and risks getting you banned). Here, everything is decided by roleplay and dice rolls. There’s a minimum of simulation (women have 3 HP, men 4, warriors 5, so you have to hit a woman three times to defeat her), but the rule is: roleplay comes first.

The other principle of the sim is to consider people as adults. So, there’s no moderation of RP on the sim. You have to abide by its rules, respect its code of conduct and its Gorean principles, but after that, everyone has fun with others and is responsible for their actions and their consequences. What if something goes wrong with a player? You can leave, FTB, decide to ignore his RP (if it’s too absurd, who’s going to blame you?), or if necessary block him and make him disappear from your game world! (and, yes, that’s what I do with assholes).

Apart from that, it’s a sim for old Gorean RPers, the kind who ran BTB sims ten or more years ago, but it’s also a sim for tabletop role-players, which means that for them, playing a role in a universe to create adventures and stories with others, and bouncing off other people’s stories, is kind of the point and pleasure of role-playing. And it’s in this spirit that the sim is successfully animated.

Imperial Ar III, SURL

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