Psychee's Gorean Archives
EnglishRoleplay Advices & tipsWorld of Gor

Discover Gor

While I think, and I hope, that navigation on the Gorean Archives website is relatively clear and easy, I also think that, for those who know nothing about the world of Gor and how to roleplay in Gor Second Life, it’s not so easy to know where to start. What should you read, and in what order?

So, here’s a little plan of navigation and discovery, arranged by theme, to help you discover this universe! It won’t be complete, simply because I haven’t covered every topic in the Gor universe, and there’s plenty in the novels I haven’t yet touched on. But this should help!

By the way, I’m in the process of creating notecards on Second Life of all these articles, so in a few days’ time I might be able to create a notecard: discover Gor, which can be found on Second Life (in Gorean University), and which you can keep, and pass on to your friends.

The basics:

The world of Gor:

Gor people:

Gor castes:

Guides to playing a kajira :

Roleplay and safety in Second Life

Tips and guides for playing in Gor

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