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Ar’s Station project cancelled

Well, it’s no secret, and I have to admit that I’m writing these words with a lump in my throat from sadness, but for a whole host of reasons that are complicated for everyone, the Ar’s Station project has been cancelled and the sim will be closing in a few days’ time. It’s really nobody’s fault, but it’s mostly down to bad luck: when all the circumstances come together to complicate the lives and possibilities of those taking part in a project, it can get pretty complicated. In the end, it was far too complicated.

Yes, it saddens me. I’m fundamentally an artist, a writer and a creator. I got passionately involved in the project and devoted time and talent to it, with a lot of hope in my eyes. Naturally, I’m paying the price. But where I can say it and share it with you, all the other participants in the project are surely going through the same thing as me, in silence.

So this article is also a tribute to them, and a huge thank you: we have tried, my friends, with generosity and courage, in a caring and altruistic way, with a sincere love for our community and a deep, reasoned respect for Gor’s world. We really wanted to give this gift to our community. Oh, I’m a perfectionist, I could make a list of the things we did wrong, but it wouldn’t be that long. It’s the circumstances, the vagaries of our private lives and our personal constraints that have all collided. Just pure bad luck. So maybe one of these days we’ll get another chance, and this time we’ll be lucky. But thanks for trying…

And, to say goodbye to Ar’s Station, I went to take some photos to keep a record of it. There are about fifty of them, which I’ve put together in a file that you can download here. Do what you like with them, they’re all yours.

Ar’s Station photos, ZIP compressed, 92,7 Mo

And I’m also sharing the video I made to present Ar’s Station in music…

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