Gorean RPG System
The system formerly known as the Imperial Ar Urban Combat System will now be called Gorean RPG system.
Gorean RPG [v3.0]
♦ Credits:
– Original system designers:
– Redesigners:
Aleixo Alexiada (Mahler.Skinstad)
Lyra Sophitia Aurelia (Lily.Kanashimi)
♦ zCS Floater Text
Your “character sheet” is as simple as your HP remaining over your HP max, a Trait (if you have one yet), your two selected Feats, and two selected skills at its most basic. This system doesn’t require anything further at the moment.
Copy and paste this into local chat with your information in it:
/32 Label HP: x/x
Feats: x; x
Skills: x; x
any other information you want.
Example: (This is what mine looks like. You can format yours like I do or use the template above).
/32 label Imperial Chirurgeon
HP: 3/3
Drug Genius
Feats: First Aid; Resuscitate
Skills: Medicine; Academics
Scent: “Lyra’s Flutter”
There is a Health Counter attachment many of us use which you can certainly ask either myself (Lily Kanashimi) or Alexio (Mahler Skinstad) for in-world as well as a distance counter. We’ll happily accommodate you.
♦ HP Max by gender, role, and race:
– All Human females have a base HP max of 3.
– All non-Combat-role Human males have a Base HP of 4.
– All Combat-role Human males and Kur Females have a base HP max of 5.
– Priest Kings and Kur males have a base HP Max of 6
♦Anatomy of a turn
In general, a player’s turn consists of writing an RP post like you normally would, but with combat related content in it. You roll zCS dice to see if it hits. A hit is generally achieved if you roll 40 or better unless a Feat, special weapon, or Storyteller’s discretion says otherwise at the moment of the attack. To clarify, at the Storyteller’s discretion, certain special weapons may have a different hit threshold.
You can move up to 10 metres and take an action or you can move 20 metres and not take any other action other than moving that turn. This is “Movement”.
An “Action” is where you go to attack or otherwise do something which takes some degree of actual effort (Storyteller’s discretion). You generally get one action per turn and one movement per turn. So, you can use your action to move again, but can’t attack if you do this, for example.
Sometimes, you may be granted a single “Reaction” when it is not your turn according to certain Feats and Traits. When you are permitted by a chosen Feat or granted Trait, you may announce that you are taking a reaction and to what triggering event.
♦ Range:
Standard Melee attack range is 2 metres from your target.
Standard Ranged attack range is 20 metres from your target. (certain weapons can be granted a shorter or longer range based on Storyteller’s discretion)
♦ Extra damage:
Put simply, Extra Damage is +1 damage on a hit by default of using something the Storyteller determines to be more than just a mere hit. Under normal circumstances, Extra Damage is added to a successful hit if an additional factor is involved with damage, such as fire, poison, drugs, High-powered electrical, certain forbidden weapons, or a large and strong creature’s attack (such as a Larl or a Kur). This can be either lethal or non-lethal, depending on Storyteller’s discretion and the player’s intent.
The balance is that Extra Damage is usually caused by a limited source (under most circumstances outside of feats), so at the Storyteller’s discretion, you may lose access to it unless you renew it somehow, again at the Storyteller’s discretion. The suggested default is 3 uses before it must be renewed if it is a substance of some sort, such as poison or drugs.
The amount of Extra Damage will be notated as a +#. Several feats offer Extra Damage, as well.
♦ Critical hits
Critical hits are achieved when you roll a 100 on an attack roll under normal circumstances. Rolling a 100 on your attack roll gives your total damage output for the turn against a single target a +1.
Some feats may reduce the threat range for a critical hit. For example, if you have a Feat that says your critical threat range is reduced by 10, then because 100-10=90, you will get a critical hit on a 90+ roll rather than just 100. Instances of critical threat range reductions CAN stack.
Example 1: Standard attack with a poisoned dagger would normally do 2 damage on a hit due to Extra Damage +1. Your attack roll is 100. It does 3 damage due to critical hit plus Extra Damage +1.
Example 2: is a standard attack that would normally do 1 damage, but you roll 100. It’s 2 damage).
Example 3: You shoot a crossbow with the Sharpshooter feat, hitting a target 40 metres away. Your roll was a 94. Since your critical threat range was reduced by 10, from 100 to 90, your hit is critical.
Under ANY circumstance, a roll of 100 ALWAYS automatically hits regardless of feats.
♦ Advantage/Disadvantage
If you would be granted advantage on a roll, you roll twice and keep the better result. If you have disadvantage on a roll, you roll twice and keep the lower result.
♦ Flanking
If you are attacking an enemy who is engaged in melee combat with an ally, you and your ally have advantage on attack rolls.
♦ Stun
If an attack would cause a target to be stunned (via a Feat or a weapon which has the stun property by storyteller’s discretion), they must skip their next attack action. You may still move and make basic, low-effort actions (Storyteller’s discretion) while stunned.
♦ Mounted Combat
Mounted Combat is when you are riding on an animal or a vehicle or some kind while in combat. In general, melee attacks made while mounted will be considered Extra Damage +1 and will have a persistent critical threat range reduction of 10.
All mounts will have a persistent 4 HP which cannot be increased. If you dismount or if your mount is killed, you will lose the benefits of mounted combat. Further, your movement speed is doubled while mounted.
If your mount is a tarn and you were in flight at the time you lost your mount, you will take fall damage based on the height you fell from before your fall was broken.
♦ Fall damage
Fall damage is determined by the distance fallen. In general, you will automatically take 1 damage per 10 metres you fell. Landing on something soft (like a bale of hay) may reduce the damage taken at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Player Options
♦ Feats: Each Character may take two of these. It is encouraged to use roleplay as an excuse to change them between events, too. Feats diversify what you can do in combat, allowing tactical play.
♦ Skills: Each Character may take two of these. Skills are meant to run along caste lines and represent a caste professional’s expertise. However, even uncasted people (like slaves) can have skills, too, so for them it represents what they are trained in, generally, or what they are otherwise very good at. These are mostly used outside of combat unless the Storyteller calls for a check in combat for some reason.
The skills you take grant you advantage on rolls which fall under those skills as called for by the Storyteller.
♦ Traits: Traits are a form of progression which give unique abilities to specific characters. They serve as something which can be earned to give them a unique edge centred around something which fundamentally makes them different, either in combat or outside of combat (or both). Essentially, if you do amazing things either in combat or outside of combat and/or are around and a regular participant for a while, you may earn yourself a trait, which functions as a kind of “Level Up”, so to speak. These will be tailored to an individual character and will most often exemplify something unique or noteworthy about them.
Feats List
You have +2 HP. (Example: If you have 5 HP as your usual max, Toughness increases this to 7)
♦Action Surge:
Once per encounter, you may use this feat to gain an extra turn taken immediately after your standard turn ends. Reducing your target to 0 HP regains the use of this feat. This cannot be used twice in the same round.
♦Power attack:
Your melee attacks hit with a 55+ instead of 40+. If it hits, it’s Extra Damage +1. This can only be used once per turn. If you are mounted, you deal Extra Damage +2 instead.
You can move up to 20 metres. If you are mounted, your movement speed is 35 metres for this feat. You cannot use the feat two turns in a row.
♦Raise Shield:
After being hit you can use a Shield to avoid damage. With a 55+ result you ignore the damage taken. (Must possess a Shield, Storyteller’s discretion on what constitutes a shield). You lose the use of this feat after 4 successes unless your shield is replaced.
After being hit by a melee attack, you can avoid damage by attempting to redirect and counterattack. Roll a d100. With a 60+ result, you ignore the damage you would have taken and deal 1 damage to the attacker instead.
Your Ranged attack range is doubled to 40 metres. Critical threat range with ranged weapons is reduced by 10.
♦Power Throw.
You can spend one turn preparing your throw with a melee weapon balanced for throwing (Storyteller’s discretion) or another object which can be thrown practically. You must not move or use an action. On the following turn, you attack with a range of 10 metres with advantage and deals Extra Damage +1. Additionally, Raise Shield can’t be used to defend against this attack.
♦Dazing Strike
On rolls of 75+, your melee attacks cause the target to be stunned in addition to the damage. If you are mounted, the stun effect occurs in a roll of 65+ instead.
Your critical threat range for ranged attacks is reduced by 10. If your ranged attack is critical, the target is stunned in addition to the damage.
♦Aimed shot
You can spend one turn fine tuning your aim with a ranged weapon. You must not move or use an action. On the following turn, you make a ranged attack with advantage and deals Extra Damage +1. Raise Shield cannot be used to defend against this attack.
If you roll a 70+ on your melee attack, you recover 1 HP for you and one of your allies in addition to damage.
Choose an ally with 0 HP who does not have an enemy within Melee range. This ally gets back in the fight with 1 hp. This takes your action.
♦Study Enemies:
As a reaction to an ally missing an attack, you can make them reroll that attack. You can only use this ability once per turn. You cannot use it in yourself.
Your critical threat range is reduced by 10 for all attacks. If you are mounted, you do an additional +1 in addition to this feats normal effect.
You and your allies each gain a bonus of +20 on initiative and +5 metres movement bonus.
When flanking an enemy with an Ally, both you and the ally deal Extra Damage +1. Additionally, you may select an ally and reduce their critical threat range by 10.
If you are within 5 metres of an ally, you can choose to use this feat as a reaction to take the damage instead of the chosen ally.
♦First Aid:
Roll a d100:
– 1-30: You or one ally regains 1 HP.
– 31-50: You and two allies regain 1 HP.
– 51-80: You and two allies regain 2 HP.
– 81-100: You and all allies regain 2 HP.
This feat can only be used 3 times per encounter. It does not affect an ally with 0 HP. No affected character’s total HP can exceed their HP maximum. This takes your action.
♦Mount Slayer
When you attack a mount on which an enemy is riding, Critical threat range is reduced by 10 and a successful hit deals Extra Damage +1. Additionally, the rider(s) of the mount you damaged must make an Athletics check of 40+ or be dismounted (a rider may choose to fail the save intentionally).
Skills List
Each character picks two skills. Each skill you choose automatically gives you advantage on any dice rolls made for “Skill check rolls”.
♦ Academics
Tidbits of intellectual knowledge (such as history, Science, mathematics, etc).
♦ Acrobatics
Dexterity and nimbleness, such as fall mitigation, keeping balance, handsprings, parkour, etc.
♦ Animal Handling
Used to control unruly animals, for breaking in a wild animal to the saddle, or for knowing what to do in dealing with an animal.
♦ Athletics
Physical prowess for activities such as pushing, pulling, lifting, or certain sporting activities.
♦ Charisma
Used to persuade, seduce, or deceive.
♦ Composure
Used to resist fear and override autonomic responses, attempts at mind control such as hypnosis or implants, and for determining the severity of dumpshock (implanted ones only).
♦ Crafting
Used to determine success for crafting intricate or complex devices, particularly juryrigged from materials at hand.
♦ Insight
Used to counter Charisma checks and for general sensing of motives or for introspection.
♦ Medicine
Making checks to diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. Also used for recalling medical, bioscience, and chemistry information.
♦ Nature
Used for determining the nature of something encountered in the natural world. It is also used for recall of knowledge pertaining to plants, creatures, and geography.
♦ Perception
Used for gaining information around one through senses one possesses and for investigation using the same senses.
♦ Religion
Used for recalling knowledge of religious topics, be it Priest Kings, Torvaldsland Norse, Solar cults, or even Earth religions.
♦ Sleight of Hand
Represents one’s skill in covert palming, pickpocketing, quick and fine displays of manual dexterity, and similar actions.
♦ Stealth
How well one can hide themselves or something being hidden or otherwise for checks made to avoid detection. Opposed by Perception.
♦ Survival
Represents checks made to gather food, water, and other necessities in the wild or otherwise when such things should not be readily available.
♦ Technology
This specifically deals with anything regarded as “high tech” be it Gorean technology, Terran technology, Priest King technology, or Kur technology.