
Ar’s station news & recruitment

Hello everyone and some news from the Ar’s Station sim and its project, and it’s been a bit of a mess! Ren, our Ubar, had to step down for RL obligations, we all had to focus on our RL lives too, mainly because we were overloaded with work, it’s the festive season, etc…

So we’ve got a new Ubar, we’ve continued to fit out the sim, and now it’s your turn to play! The sim is now open and the city is recruiting! While we’re preparing opening events and entertainment, we’re looking for members of the city government. The High Council is up for grabs, and positions of responsibility are open: a general of the warriors, a consul of the scribes, a chief of the merchants, a chief of the slavers, a consul of the plebs (of the lower castes), but also an innkeeper, a tavernkeeper, a blacksmith, and so on. And, of course, a few pretty slave-girls (and pretty male slaves, too) eager to find a home.

It’s up to you to decide what the sim will look like, and to take part in both its development and its animation. As it’s still a building site, it’s also your building site and your opportunity to participate. Of course, there are apartments and houses to rent, etc…

To contact Ubar directly : Eiríkr (agamemnojokasel.zifer)

And of course, French speakers are welcome! If the language of the sim is English, you can come and play with a translator, no problem! And don’t worry, people wait when you emote, so don’t worry about not being fast enough to write.

SLurl :

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