The TTRPGThe world of LossWorld of Loss

2-The Loss-metal

There’s nothing more valuable than loss-metal, and the only thing that compares to it in Lossyan greed is women, far ahead of gold and jewels. Loss-metal is only cheap because it’s rare. Its extraction is so lethal that only convicts and prisoners are sent to work it, people without virtue or value, who can be sacrificed and don’t last long. It’s so difficult to refine that the best engineers in the business are considered living treasures by their city-states. And last but not least, nothing can replace it: without it, there would be no travel, no trade and perhaps no industry in all the Seas of Separation.

But above all, the Church demands a loss-metal tribute from all cities, which must be paid to every temple, as part of the city’s duty. And woe betide any city that fails to pay. For nothing surpasses or is more dangerous than the greed of the Ordinatorii.

Excerpt from Encyclopedia Magna, by Haerran Sabucius Littera Opiterneptis


The Loss-metal

Loss metal is the basis of Lossyan technology. And the source of many mysteries and wonders, some of which have devastating effects. It’s generically called loss when we talk about the element, but more often it’s called loss-metal and looks like very shiny silver that never corrodes or tarnishes, rather like platinum: in fact, its hardness is quite similar. It weighs more than lead.

Without loss-metal, many of the greatest lossy wonders would not work, and it has a certain sacred character that adds to its rarity. It is so vital that everywhere, the name of the world, Loss, and the name of this metal, are inextricably linked.

1- Origins and properties

Loss metal is present in minute quantities everywhere, including in all living organisms on Loss. But exploitable deposits are rare, and loss-metal is difficult to extract, refine and process. Loss metal mines are precious and coveted.

Loss metal is an unobtainium. In short, a metal with more or less impossible physical properties, derived from an isotope of palladium – which is why it looks so much like platinum. It is slightly radioactive and toxic if ingested or inhaled. The fact is, despite its technological use, and its still incipient study by scientists who know nothing of atomic theories, loss-metal is as mysterious and magical as it is considered sacred.

Author’s note: a priori, loss-metal violates the rules of physics. I know this, and if it offends you, I’m sorry. But in fact, loss-metal simply circumvents them, based on the hypothesis that a metal with a high atomic density and an isomeric reaction would be capable, when excited by the right processes, of opening up dimensional spaces to negative-mass matter to generate an “antigravitational” repulsion effect. Loss metal has all the intrinsic properties of an energy-efficient material capable of generating quantum effects in the macroscopic world. Does this exist in our universe? I don’t know, but the theory of Wormholes and other Einstein-Rosen bridges admits the existence of negative-mass matter, so yes, it probably does. Is this plausible? Yes, although loss-metal physics doesn’t really respect the laws of physics as we know them. It’s one of the paradigms of the RPG The Songs of Loss to admit. It won’t be the only one.

Loss metal is magnetic, and conducts electricity like a superconductor. Above all, properly used, it has the ability to levitate objects by opposing the properties of gravitation, but it doesn’t do so in its natural state. It’s a kind of repulsion effect generated by the proximity of two poles of the same polarity. If we force the two poles together by fighting against this force, the repulsion kicks in and generates an anti-gravity effect: an ejection of negative-mass matter (which has no visual appearance other than a light shimmering of the air, like heat waves). At this point, whatever is then attached to the two poles in a mechanism known as a levitation motor is literally lifted off the ground by this anti-gravity effect. For a few grams of loss-metal, you can move around ten tonnes. The effect is exponential: 200 g of loss-metal are enough to levitate a fully loaded galleon a few meters above the ground.

Such an effect costs energy, and loss-metal deteriorates as it is forced to generate repulsion. It eventually corrodes and loses its magnetism and ability to levitate. Lossyans know how to refine corroded loss-metal and recycle it, albeit at an unavoidable loss.


Loss-metal mines are generally large, open-pit mines. Extracting it from the ore that houses it requires a lengthy refining process as complex as that for gold. Finding ore blocks larger than flakes is rare. Loss-metal ore is usually included in minute quantities with other metals: silver, nickel, platinum and palladium, of course – the latter is considered by Lossyans to be useless waste. In general, to find a lode of loss-metal, regions with silver-rich ore are explored and magnetite is used, by magnetization, to judge the quality and concentration of loss-metal in samples. It goes without saying that for many Lossyans, a loss-metal mine is as sacred as the loss metal itself, and damaging it or rendering it unusable is an unforgivable crime.

The lifespan of a miner or loss-metal refiner is short. Breathing the fumes of molten loss-metal or ore dust is toxic. Within five to seven years – for the lucky ones – the loss-metal has infiltrated their bodies, ravaging them with cancer, immune collapse and other serious neurological or pulmonary diseases. As a result, convicts are sent to the mines, including slaves, convicted criminals and prisoners of war. And we make sure there’s plenty of labor available.  As for the refineries, they were well ventilated and all work involving the handling of ore and loss-metal bars coming out of the blast furnaces was entrusted to convicts. However, even the specialized craftsmen and foremen in these workshops saw their life expectancy shortened.

Of course, the engineers who handle the levitation engines have the same worries, despite the most basic precautions, and see their lives shortened, albeit much less dramatically. Everyone knows that loss-metal is toxic due to the fumes produced during heating and corrosion. But it’s indispensable, so everyone makes do.

2- Use & wonders of loss-metal

Loss-metal is used in the design of many technologies and industries based on simple electromechanical systems, such as electric dynamos, to provide motion for certain machine tools. It is also used to power loss lamps, which use platinum filament lamps, or the highly sought-after thermal furnaces, which heat up thanks to dynamos. It is even claimed that certain war machines and automata are developed in the greatest secrecy using these technologies.

But the most common and widespread use is for levitation motors, above all for levitating ships, but also for mining sites, arsenals and construction sites, where these machines, often linked to cranes, can lift enormous loads with little effort.

As for the other most well-known use, it concerns weapons, with above all impulse rifles, pistols and cannons, but also electric contact weapons and the rare and dreaded ardent weapons.

3- Loss-metal in Lossyan society

Lossyans depend on loss-metal for their technology, weaponry and trade. It’s the key to the industrial revolution in this Clockpunk Renaissance universe. Lossy metal is so precious that it serves as the standard for all monetary values. All currencies are calibrated to the index of loss-metal value on the exchange markets. And all City-States, as well as the largest merchant guilds, have substantial reserves of hundreds of kilos, even tons, of loss-metal bars.

As well as being vital, loss-metal is sacred: the laws against loss-metal theft, destruction, trafficking or vandalism of loss-metal deposits are all particularly severe, and usually result in slavery at the bottom of a mine or a messy death in a public square.

The Church of the Divine Council, wherever it is established, demands tribute in loss-metal from the rulers of the city-states. Every year, in pompous ceremonies, people come to the local temples to pay their loss offerings. And some wealthy individuals make spontaneous offerings to attract the graces of the Council Beings in their business affairs, or to ask for a miracle or blessing.

As a result, not only is loss-metal scarce and coveted – wars, raids and looting are commonplace – but it is also used sparingly. While a little loss-metal is needed to keep the machines used by Lossyans running smoothly, all other inventions that could improve their lives and comfort are still out of reach for a long time to come.


One gram of loss-metal is worth twenty gold, and a bar of loss-metal is worth around 2,000 silver andris, roughly the price of 40 horses. There is no loss-metal coinage, which is easy to understand given its properties and status. Only rare transactions and very large exchanges are carried out with ingots of this metal, under strict surveillance of course.

However, loss-metal can be found in the form of fuel rods, but also as primers in technologies that require its use. And nobody would leave even a tenth of a gram of loss-metal, even totally corroded, in nature. Recovery and recycling, even on the battlefield, is very common.

4- Singers and loss-metal

Loss singers are intimately linked with loss-metal, even if nobody understands anything about it. There have been studies and research in this field, which must continue in secret here and there, but it is one of the greatest heresies of the Church of the Council, which hunts down and punishes without mercy any researcher who ventures into this field.

What most Lossyans know on this subject is that Loss Singers can only sing, and thus use their astonishing powers, if there is a sufficient concentration of loss-metal nearby. The higher the concentration, the more it resonates with the Singers. The first time a person in harmony with loss-metal starts to sing, it’s because there’s a high enough concentration of it nearby: as little as one gram if the object is within the Singer’s reach.

The notions of proximity and quantity of loss-metal for Singers have undoubtedly been measured, but this is heretical and lost knowledge. In general, it can be said that the mere presence of a few grams of loss-metal, within a radius of ten meters or so, is enough to amplify the power and Chant of the Singers of Loss. And the more loss-metal there is, the more intense and powerful – and potentially devastating – their Chant becomes. A Loss Singer in the middle of a natural deposit rich in loss-metal has a terrible potential for power. Even more so if he’s not far from substantial reserves. But it has been found that if loss-metal reserves are enclosed behind lead or thick layers of stone, the ability of Loss Singers to interact with loss-metal diminishes. However, this is still a little-known fact, and this safety feature is ultimately employed as a precaution only in large City-States.

A final, little-known point is that the loss-metal present near a person who starts to Sing suffers the same kind of corrosion – albeit very slight, apart from a few exceptions – as if it were used to power engines.


Very few studies have yet been carried out on the interaction between loss-metal and Lossyan flora and fauna. What is known to scholars is that loss metal is found in minute quantities throughout the Lossyan biotope, from plants to animals to symbionts. This concentration is highest in bioluminescent materials and creatures, and even higher in certain species equipped with bioelectric weapons or capable of spitting or projecting superheated liquids. But the creatures that seem to have the highest concentration of loss in their bodies are the symbiotes – and nobody knows why. In this area, the mystery remains complete, and Lossyans’ knowledge of biochemistry and physics is not enough to shed any light on the secret.

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